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In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, the rising actions include Jimmy Valentine's release from prison, his decision to reform his criminal ways, his relocation to a new town, his falling in love with Annabel Adams, and his intention to start an honest business. These events build tension and move the story towards its climax.

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Q: What are the rising actions in a retrieved reformation?
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How do you fill out a plot diagram for A Retrieved Reformation?

"A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry follows the typical plot structure of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The exposition introduces the main characters and setting, the rising action builds tension as Jimmy Valentine plans a bank robbery, the climax occurs when he decides to use his safecracking skills to save a child, the falling action resolves the conflict as Jimmy is arrested but ultimately pardoned, and the resolution shows how Jimmy's redemption leads to a new life.

What does a retrieved reformation mean?

"A Retrieved Reformation" refers to the act of reforming or changing one's ways after having made mistakes or engaged in criminal behavior. It suggests that a person has recognized their wrongdoing and has taken steps to become a better person through self-improvement and personal growth.

What is the resolution in a retrieved reformation?

its when ben decieds to leave jimmy and not to take him to jail because ben knew that jimmy changed

In a Retrieved Reformation how is Jimmy successful?

Jimmy is successful in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry because he decides to reform his criminal ways for the love of a woman named Annabel. He becomes a respected citizen in a small town and starts a successful business. Despite his past catching up with him in the end, Jimmy's transformation is considered a success because he truly changes his ways for the better.

What is a retrieved date from url?

A retrieved date from a URL is the date on which you accessed or retrieved information from a website. It's typically used in academic citations to indicate when the information was last confirmed to be accurate.

Related questions

What is the retrieved reformatrion theme?

The correct spelling of the title is 'Retrieved Reformation' and not 'Retrieved Reformatrion.' 'A Retrieved Reformation' was written by O Henry. The theme of the story is that everyone can change.

Whonis the protagonist in a retrieved reformation?

The protagonist in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is Jimmy Valentine, a professional safe-cracker who undergoes a transformation after falling in love.

What is the falling action for retrieved reformation?

Agatha is freed.

Who is the author of A Retrieved Reformation?

The author of "A Retrieved Reformation" is O. Henry, also known as William Sydney Porter. He was an American writer known for his short stories with surprise endings and clever twists.

What is the name of the author of Retrieved Reformation?

Author is O. Henry

Will Annabel forgive jimmy valentine in a retrieved reformation explain?

In "A Retrieved Reformation," Annabel unknowingly forgives Jimmy Valentine once she falls in love with him as Ralph D. Spencer. She accepts him for who he is now, rather than judging him for his past crimes as a safecracker. Through his actions as Ralph, Jimmy proves himself to be a changed man, earning Annabel's forgiveness and love.

What is the rising action in a retrieved reformation?

The rising action in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is when the protagonist, Jimmy Valentine, falls in love with Annabel Adams and decides to turn his life around. He begins to work at a shoe store in the small town where Annabel lives, but his past catches up with him when an old partner recognizes him. This leads to tension and suspense as Jimmy's secret identity is threatened to be revealed.

How does the change happen to jimmy valentine in the retrieved reformation?

Because he blinked.

Who is billy in a retrieved reformation?

In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, Billy is a fellow criminal who used to work with Jimmy Valentine before he went to prison. He plays a significant role in the story as he inadvertently leads to Jimmy's reformation by recognizing him and warning him about a potential trap.

What does reformation mean in 'A Retrieved Reformation'?

In "A Retrieved Reformation," reformation refers to a significant change or improvement in a person's behavior or character, particularly in the case of Jimmy Valentine who transforms from being a skilled safecracker to an honest and law-abiding citizen. This reformation is brought about by love and the desire to live a better and more meaningful life.

How fit is the title of the story a retrieved reformation to its content?

The title "A Retrieved Reformation" is fitting to the story's content as it encapsulates the central theme of personal transformation and redemption. The character of Jimmy Valentine goes through a significant change and reformation, making the title highly relevant.

What does Jimmy change his name in the story A Retrieved Reformation?

Jimmy changes his name to Ralph D. Spencer in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." He does this in an effort to start a new, reformed life as a respected member of society after his release from prison.