

A Retrieved Reformation

By American author, O. Henry, "A Retrieved Reformation", was published as a short story in The Cosmopolitan Magazine, April 1903 and concerns the reformation of an ex-convict, Jimmy Valentine. Adapted into MGM's first all-talking film "Alias Jimmy Valentine" in 1928.

275 Questions

Who is the author of A Retrieved Reformation?

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The author of "A Retrieved Reformation" is O. Henry, also known as William Sydney Porter. He was an American writer known for his short stories with surprise endings and clever twists.

What imagery was in a retrieved reformation?

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"A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry includes imagery such as the setting of a small town, a locksmith's tools, a safe cracking, and a reformed criminal's internal struggles. Additionally, there is imagery related to a woman's love and the symbolic use of keys.

Who is billy in a retrieved reformation?

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In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, Billy is a fellow criminal who used to work with Jimmy Valentine before he went to prison. He plays a significant role in the story as he inadvertently leads to Jimmy's reformation by recognizing him and warning him about a potential trap.

Who knows that Ralph Spencer and jimmy valentine are the same person by line 37 in retrieved reformation?

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Tompkins, a detective, knows that Ralph Spencer and Jimmy Valentine are the same person by line 37 in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry.

What did Ben Price say to Jimmy?

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Ben Price told Jimmy that he knew he was "Red Chief's" uncle and demanded a ransom of $1500 for his safe return. He threatened to harm Jimmy if the ransom wasn't paid.

What two literary devices you encounter in A Retrieved Reformation?

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In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, foreshadowing is used when hints are given that Jimmy Valentine may not have completely reformed. Irony is also utilized when Jimmy's safe-cracking skills, which he renounced, end up saving a child's life and ultimately lead to his redemption.

What are some examples of symbolism in the A retrieved Reformation?

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In "A Retrieved Reformation," the safe-cracking tools represent Jimmy's criminal past and his willingness to turn over a new leaf. The roses that Jimmy gives to Annabel symbolize his love for her and his desire to start a fresh, honest life. Finally, the unlocked entrance to the bank vault at the end of the story symbolizes Jimmy's redemption and newfound integrity.

What does Annabel Adams represent for jimmy in the story a retrieved reformation?

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Annabel Adams represents a new chance at a different life for Jimmy in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." She symbolizes redemption, hope, and the possibility of a better future for him as he tries to leave his criminal past behind and start anew. She serves as his motivation to reform and become a better person.

What does Jimmy change his name in the story A Retrieved Reformation?

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Jimmy changes his name to Ralph D. Spencer in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." He does this in an effort to start a new, reformed life as a respected member of society after his release from prison.

Metaphors in a retrieved reformation?

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In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, the use of metaphors can be seen in the title itself, which refers to Jimmy Valentine's transformation from a thief to an honest man as a "retrieved reformation." Another metaphor is the prison cell symbolizing Jimmy's old criminal life, and the broken safe representing his past mistakes that he attempts to move on from. These metaphors help to convey the theme of redemption and second chances in the story.

What are the the characteristics of jimmy from the beginning to end in the story a retrieved reformation?

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At the beginning, Jimmy is a notorious safecracker who is unrepentant about his criminal activities. However, after falling in love with a woman named Annabel, he decides to turn his life around and become a better person. By the end of the story, Jimmy demonstrates a willingness to sacrifice his own freedom to save a child's life, showing that he has truly reformed and developed a sense of morality and empathy.

What is the exposition of a retrieved reformation?

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"The Exposition of A Retrieved Reformation" introduces the protagonist, Jimmy Valentine, who is a skilled safe-cracker. He is locked up in prison for his crimes, but shows signs of reforming when he is released on parole. However, a detective from his past starts to suspect his true identity, leading to a climax where Jimmy must choose between his criminal past and his newfound redemption.

Whonis the protagonist in a retrieved reformation?

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The protagonist in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is Jimmy Valentine, a professional safe-cracker who undergoes a transformation after falling in love.

Why does ben price let jimmy valentine go free?

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Ben Price decides to let Jimmy Valentine go free because he sees that Valentine has changed his ways and is no longer a criminal. Price also feels sympathy for Valentine after seeing him risk his life to save a child trapped in a safe. Ultimately, Price believes in giving second chances to those who have shown true remorse and a desire to reform.

Why did Ben price think the safes had been robbed by jimmy valentine?

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Ben Price thought the safes had been robbed by Jimmy Valentine because the robbery showed signs similar to Valentine's past crimes, including the use of his signature tools and methods. Additionally, Valentine's release from prison coincided with the timing of the safes being robbed.

How does seeing Mike Dolan cause Valentine to have a change of heart in A Retrieved Reformation?

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Seeing Mike Dolan in trouble and realizing the impact his actions could have on the girl he loves, Jimmy Valentine has a change of heart. He decides to reveal his true identity in order to save Dolan and prevent his past from catching up with him. This demonstrates his growth and transformation as a character, choosing redemption and sacrifice over self-preservation.

Why did Jimmy look at Annabel so strangely in A retrieved reformation?

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Jimmy looked at Annabel strangely because he recognized her as the woman he loved before he went to prison. The moment sparked a change in him, inspiring a reformation and leading him to make better choices in his life.

What are the motivations of the characters sin the story a retrieved reformation?

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In "A Retrieved Reformation," the main character Jimmy Valentine is motivated by his love for Annabel Adams to reform and leave his criminal past behind. Annabel is motivated to see the good in Jimmy and believes in his potential for change. The detective Ben Price is motivated by his dedication to upholding the law and bringing criminals to justice.

How fit is the title of the story a retrieved reformation to its content?

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The title "A Retrieved Reformation" is fitting to the story's content as it encapsulates the central theme of personal transformation and redemption. The character of Jimmy Valentine goes through a significant change and reformation, making the title highly relevant.

How do you think Annabel should react to jimmy safe cracking tool and skills in retrieve reformation?

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Annabel should react with concern and caution to Jimmy's safe cracking tool and skills in "Retrieve Reformation." As a responsible citizen, she should consider reporting this information to the authorities to ensure public safety. At the same time, she may also try to encourage Jimmy to use his skills for lawful purposes and steer him away from a life of crime.

What is the main conflict of a retrieved reformation?

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The main conflict in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is between the protagonist, safecracker Jimmy Valentine's criminal past and his newfound desire to live a reformed life after falling in love with a woman named Annabel Adams. This conflict is heightened when Jimmy's past catches up with him and he must make a decision that could jeopardize his reformed identity.

What is the irony of a retrieved reformation?

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Some examples of irony are:

How Jimmy, a safe cracker and long time criminal, is engaged to a woman whose father owns a bank.

How Jimmy wasn't supposed to have his tools with him when Agatha got stuck in the safe, and he was forced to show open the safe.

How the detective spends so much time trying to find Jimmy Valentine, and then he watches him at he end, open the safe, and reveal his true identity, yet, he pretends not to know him.

What is the rising action in the story a retrieved reformation?

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In the story "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, the rising action occurs when Jimmy Valentine tries to start a new life after being released from prison. His efforts to reform are tested when he falls in love with Annabel Adams and when his criminal past threatens to catch up with him.

Who is the dynamic character in a retrieved reformation?

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The dynamic character in "A Retrieved Reformation" is Jimmy Valentine. At the beginning, he is a skilled safecracker who cares only for his own gain. However, through his encounter with Annabel Adams and his decision to be honest and turn over a new leaf, he undergoes a transformation and shows moral growth.