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The personal risk of being a pediatric hematologist/oncologist is no greater than being a general pediatrician, although the risk of being involved in a medical malpractice law suit is greater. By far, the greatest risk is emotional: becoming attached to patients who do not do well, eventually dying. Fortunately, most pediatric neoplasms (cancers) are forms of leukemia. With proper therapy, these cancers have better than a 95% rate of long-term survival.

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Q: What are the risks of becoming a pediatric oncologist?
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If you are interested in working as a pediatric oncologist, or any kind of physician, you should major in biology in college. If your college has a pre-med major, you should choose that major.

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Like sardines.

How much money does a pediatric oncologist earn a month?

experienced oncologist earn 15-20000 USD -/pm, avg earn 10-17k USD-/pm

What are the benefits of becoming an oncologist?

There are two major benefits to becoming an oncologist. One is the fact that an oncologist assist people in a very difficult time in life. Also, oncologists often make a very high salary.

What are some qualifications for a pediatric oncologist?

you need to be smart and take the right courses in high school and in college