

What are the risks of drinking to much green tea?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Is not due to the tea, but the water used in the tea. It's basically the opposite of dehydration. There is too much water in your blood, your brain swells, and you die.

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Q: What are the risks of drinking to much green tea?
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How effective is weight lose tea and does it pose any health risks?

Tea is a very healthy option for weight loss, especially green tea. Tea is loaded with immune system boosting antioxidants. Of course any weight loss plan is best complimented by a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. The only worry with drinking tea as a weight loss supplement is drinking too much, because tea also contains caffeine.

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They have herbs such as cranberries and drinking mugwort tea and green tea. Drinking green tea can help infections in the bladder.

By drinking four cups of green tea a day without excersise can you lose weight?

OK, What else are you eating and how much> A diet of green tea and Double Mac's with fries will not cut it!

How much and how long do you have to drink green tea for your period to come?

Someone is fooling with your mind . . . the onset of your period is controlled by your hormones. Drinking or eating anything, including green tea, makes no difference, at all, believe me!

Are there any weight loss systems that utilize green tea?

I have heard that green tea can help people lose weight. You could also buy green tea capsules in case you get tired of drinking the tea all the time.

Is green tea healthy to drink?

Green tea extract is healthy to drink. It has been published that green tea extract helps to prevent esophagus cancer. Research also shows that green tea extract helps to reduce cholesterol. There are many more advantages to drinking green tea extract.

Is green tea the best fat burner?

Green tea is a fast, effective fat burner. Green tea helps speed up your metabolism so that you burn more calories. Drinking tea also keeps you hydrated, which is important to weight loss. Finally, drinking a lot of liquids, especially green tea, will help you feel fuller longer so you won't feel hungry as often.

Is Arizona Green Tea the same as Green Tea?

The answer is no. The benefits of green tea are; antioxidants, polyphenols and of course a healthy dose of water. It has been surmised, but not fully proven, that drinking green tea can decrease the chances of heart disease, lung problems, chronic fatigue and promote weight loss. And while Arizona Green Tea does have green tea in it, the detriments far out weigh the benefits of this commercial brew. This is because when you are drinking Arizona Green Tea, you're not just drinking green tea, you're drinking sugars, preservatives, and artificial/natural flavors. Honestly, stick to the real thing. A hot cup, brewed for a minute per serving (usually 2-3 min) drizzle in some honey for sweetness or squeeze in some lemon for zest. You're wallet and waistline will thank you. Cheers :)

Can you guarantee the weight loss through drinking green tea?

You can never guarantee weight loss through any substance since there is always a possibility of one consuming too much other unhealthy and fattening foods and drinks. However, drinking green tea will definitely help you to lose weight.

Is soy latte or green tea healthier?

green tea i have done a study on this and green tea is much better for your health.

Does green tea burn fat?

Green tea's main effect is to increase calorie expenditure, which causes you to burn more fat but it doesn't appear to have any effect on how much food you eat throughout the day. There is currently no evidence that drinking green tea causes people to consume fewer calories.

What are the disadvantages of drinking green tea?

Green tea is generally safe for everyone, but some disadvantages are that it can cause constipation and an upset stomach in some people. In very rare cases, green tea can cause liver issues.