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The names of the only two droids that appear in all of the star wars movies are R2-D2,(an astromech droid that belongs to Anakin in episodes 1-3 and Luke's in episodes 4-6.)and C-3P0,(a protocol droid that is always in the same place as R2-D2 except some small bits of their life especially episode 1.)Anakin Skywalker technically appeared in all of them as Darth Vader for the last three episodes and as himself in the first three but he changed character and he is not a droid. Sorry if this answer is too long but it is hard to keep the fact under control that I am a Star Wars geek.

And Obi-wan Kenobi.
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14y ago
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15y ago

R2D2 and C3PO The tall golden one is C-3PO wheras the cylindrical one with the dome for a head is called R2-D2. Robots are also known as droids.

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9y ago

The golden robot is C-3P0, and the small white and blue one is R2D2.

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12y ago

Nobody can possibly tell you the names of all the droids but if you really want to know I recommend the book "Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Droids."

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14y ago

I think you are thinking of R2-D2 and C-3P0

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12y ago

To make the films, the robots were made by the crew members themselves.

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12y ago

sacaguweia (the Indian dinoseir)

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11y ago

The robots are called droids

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