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vascular tissuedermal tissueground tissue

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Q: What are the roots of a plant composed of what tissue systems?
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What tissue systems make a plant body?

There are basically three tissue systems making a plant body:the dermal tissue,vascular tissue and the ground tissue. The dermal tissue is the outer protective covering of the plant, it is called the epidermis in non-woody plants. The vascular tissue transports material (water and nutrients) between roots and shoots.This tissue is composed of two conducting systems:xylem and the phloem. The xylem conveys water from roots to the shoots while the phloem conveys organic nutrients from where they are produced to where they are needed. The ground tissue makes up the bulk of the plant. It specializes in storage of material, photosynthesis and support. It consists of simple tissues called the parenchyma,collenchyma and sclerenchyma which helps it to function.

What tissue carries material from a plant roots to it leaves?

Phloem and xylem tissue carries material from a plant's roots to its leaves.

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water and nutrient minerals from the roots to the leaves?


What tissue carries material from a plants roots its leaves?

Xylem tissue carries material from a plant's roots to it's leaves

What are the components of a vascular system in plants?

The vascular system in plants is composed of two main tissues.Xylem. This vascular tissue conducts water from the roots to the leaves.Phloem. This vascular tissue conducts the sugars manufactured in photosynthesis from the leaves to wherever in the plant the sugars are needed.

What plant tissue located at the tips of roots and shoots will differentiate into different plant cells?


What tissue in a plant does the minerals transport through?

the stems and roots

What kind of tissue allows the transport of materials from the roots to the rest of the plant?

Vascular tissue, bro

What vascular systems transport water minerals and sugars throughout plants?

To transport water from the roots to the leaves the vascular tissue xylem is used.To transport sugars throughout the plant wherever they are needed the vascular tissue phloem is used.

What is the function of a vascular tissue in a plant?

There are two types of vascular tissue in a plant. Phloem, which conveys food from the leaves to the rest of the plant, and xylem which conveys water from the roots to the rest of the plant.

Do plant roots have ground tissue?

actually they have tissue because not only human and animals have tissues but also in plants...

What is a circulatory systems?

This would be the vascular plants vascular tissue. The xylem carries water from the roots to the leaves and the pholem carries manufactured sugars from the leaves to the places in the plant where the sugars are needed.