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Q: What are the rules and regulations in the public services?
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What is the role of discipline in the uniformed services?

Rules and regulations are the foundation of the public services, and discipline ensures that these rules and regulations are followed. Rules, regulations and orders all work together to ensure that everything which needs doing, gets done as efficiently as possible. Also when in very dangerous situations such as Afghanistan being disciplined, i.e. following rules, regulations and orders could save your life.

Why do the public services need rules and regulations?

rules and regulations can be defined as controlling human or societal behaviour by rules or restrictions. So without them we wouln't be able to control humans or societal behaviour... Causing no control over anyones actions!

What is Traffic laws means?

Traffic laws are a set of rules and regulations. These rules and regulations have been put into place so that people can travel on public roads safely.

What are some examples of federal acquisition regulations?

Federal acquisition regulations or FAR for short are a set of rules for the purchase of goods and services for the government. An example is the defense services purchases.

Which federal government official has the power to promulgate rules and regulations?

Secrectary of Health and Human Services

Why is discipline needed in the public services?

Discipline in the public services is crucial to ensure that employees follow regulations, uphold ethical standards, and maintain professionalism in their interactions with the public. It helps establish accountability, maintains order, and safeguards the reputation and integrity of the organization.

Where can you find the rules created by federal administrative agencies?

"Rules" are distinguished from "statutes". Rules are generally called "regulations". Rules for the various federal public agencies are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Rules that are being proposed, considered or recently adopted are first published in the Federal Register each month. When proposed rules are adopted after a public comment period, they are published in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Is there a list of basketball rules and regulations?

yes there is basketball rules and regulations

Why do you feel that was an important first step in rule making process?

To help the public understand how rules and regulations works.

Are the rules the same for public assembly on private property as on public property?

Certain rules and regulations may overlap such as the requirement for traffic and crowd control, sanitary facilities, health regulations if food will be served, etc, even if the assembly is on private property. Thousands of different laws and regulations exert control over private property in some way. You should check with your town government. You may need a permit and they will notify you of the rules.

Is ethics the study of rules and regulations?

it's more the study of WHEN TO FOLLOW rules and regulations.

What governmental decisions does public policy cover- A. executive orders and legislative statutes B. bureaucratic rules and regulations C. judicial court opinions D. all the above?

Public policy covers all of the above--executive orders and legislative statutes, bureaucratic rules and regulations, and judicial court opinions.