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a verb has three types : present , past , future which are further diviced into 12 groups. present [ vertaman kaal ] has no word to add.In past [ bhootkaal ] just add " ed " to it and in future tense [ bhavishayat kaal ] add will or shall to it .

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6mo ago

The basic rule for changing tenses is to simply alter the verb form to match the desired tense. For example, to change a verb from present tense to past tense, you typically add -ed to regular verbs or use irregular verb forms. However, be careful to maintain consistent tenses within a sentence or paragraph for clear and logical communication.

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To change a declarative sentence into a question, you typically reverse the order of the subject and the verb, add an appropriate question word (like who, what, where, when, why, how), and use a question mark at the end. For example, "You are coming" becomes "Are you coming?" Adding an auxiliary verb like "do," "does," or "is" may also be necessary depending on the tense of the original sentence.