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Q: What are the satellites placed 200 - 800 kilometers above earth?
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Related questions

How many nautical miles are in the GPS satellites out in space?

They operate at an altitude of 20,200 kilometers (12,600 miles)

Where are the satellites?

satellites are located 37,000 km above the earth's equator.

How many kilometers above the earth is the thermosphere?

it is about 500-650 kilometers above earth's surface.

Why do communication and weather satellites always appear at the same place in the sky?

That is because those satellites are in geostationary orbit, which ensures that they stay always above the same spot on the earth's surface. This is possible only if the satellite is placed in orbit at about 22,000 miles above sea level.

What is the name of the Moon's satellites?

The moon has no natural satellites. The moon is a satellite of the earth. The only satellites that orbit the moon are those that are placed there by people to study the moon.

What is the inclination of a satellite to the earths equator?

There is no set inclination of a satellites orbit to the earth's equator. Once in space, the spin of the earth or where it's poles happen to be become irrelevant to the satellite. Many satellites like spy and weather satellites orbit over the two poles (north and south) while communication satellites are placed in orbit directly above the equator at a height that is synchronised with the earth's orbit. This way they stay permanently above the same place on the equator and do not APPEAR to move at all.

What are the orbital communications satellites are placed in called?

Geosynchronous orbit? or Low Earth Orbit?

Which atmosphere is located between 17 kilometers and 35 kilometers above Earth'?

The Stratosphere is at 17km to 35km above Earth

Why are all geostationary satellites the same distance above the earth?


Should there be a limit placed on the number of satellites that are allowed to orbit the earth?

Yes because there are already 7,400 unused satellites orbiting Earth as we speak. Some fall down to Earth like metores. Some hit other satellites. There should be a limit.

What kind of orbit are observation satellites usually placed in?

You mean Earth observation satellites, and the answer is near-Polar low-Earth orbits. This means that as the satellite orbits from above one pole to the other, the Earth turns beneath it, and the satellite passes over the Equator, and every other point on its orbit, at a different place on each successive orbit. In this way, after enough orbits, it can view the whole Earth. Earth observation satellites are placed in low-Earth orbit because (a) they travel faster over the ground at lower altitude and (b) being closer to the ground, their telescopes do not need to be so powerful to achieve a given spatial resolution. Military observation, or spy, satellites, are often placed in a high parking orbit until they are needed, whereupon they are placed into a highly elliptical orbit to allow them to come very close to Earth (and hence see it with great detail) over the region of interest.

What is isochronous satellites?

An isochronous satellite is one that orbits the earth in one day. So it orbits the earth as the same speed as the earth rotates. Most satellites that are isochronous are infact geostationary satellites as they also stay in the same position above the earth. However these satellites occupy a very specific orbit above the equator. It is possible to have isochronous satellites that aren't geostationary however getting them to remain in orbit would prove difficult.