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Q: What are the short term consequences of untreated STD?
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Short Term Disabilty

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Can an untreated STD cause infertility?

Yes, in the case of chlamydia or gonorrhea

What does STD on a pay stub mean?

Short Term (for example: leave of absence for maternity leave)

What are some health consequences of having an STD?

You can die.

What are the effets of untreated STDs?

an std can lead to many things like cancer or bumps

Can a male get a disease from pid?

Yes - PID is a serious condition caused by an untreated STD.

Which diseases are deadly?

A current deadly disease is aides,h1n1(or swine flu), untreated std's, etc.

What is the short form of student?

The short form of student is "std."

Is an employer obligated to pay health insurance premiums when an employee goes on short term disability when they normally pay it if employee is not on short term disability?

The employer is obligated to follow its own written policy about employees out on short-term disability leave. The employer cannot, for example, pay for the president's health insurance when she is out on STD leave and then not pay for the entry-level clerk's health insurance when he is out on STD leave. If the employer does not have a written policy, then all employees who take a disability leave should be treated the same.

What are some long term consquences of STDs?

Long story short, they ruin your life with pain, suffering and social outcast. Nobody wants to be around someone who has an STD.

What causes chronic skin and scalp rashes blood work just comes back with low rbc?

it may be a std untreated please be checked