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After not eating most types of meat for a few years, a person my experience some stomach pain / indigestion after eating meat. This is because the stomqc is not used to digesting those particular protein and fat compounds. Slow incorporation of meat back into a diet will alleviate this problem.

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Q: What are the side affects of eating meat after being a vegetarian that has only had seafood for 3 years?
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What is the point of being vegetarian?

There are many who believe being vegetarian is healthier than eating meats.

What is the definition of a vegetarian?

Vegetarian is where you do not eat any meat or seafood. Some people do not eat garlic or onion. vegetarian can be a choice or religion. Being is a vegetarian is good as most of the sickness and virus comes from the meats bacteria

Did anybody change from eating meat to being a vegetarian?

Of course, some meat eaters go vegetarian some go the other way. It a personal choice but i stay an omnivore for one reason I really not like most plant-based proteins.

Is there a down side to being a vegetarian?

Mainly that I'm limited in terms of what foods are available when eating out but don't let that put you off. I'm a vegetarian

What percentage of ex-vegetarians return to being meat-eaters?

Uh... All of them. If you're not a vegetarian, than you eat meat. A vegetarian eats no animals. If you are not a vegetarian, then you don't eat the classification of not eating meat and therefore you do eat meat.

Is dairy milk vegetarian?

Well, it depends. Vegetarianism consists of not eating animals, and may including fish and other seafood, but there are varying degrees of vegetarianism, and some vegetarians will consume dairy products and eggs, some will consume dairy products but not eggs, and some will consume neither. Being vegan is not eating animals or animal products. All vegans are vegetarians, but not all vegetarians are not vegan.

What is it like being a vegetarian?

it does not really matter because vegetarian is also a type of food and the people are trained not to eat non veg so they are in control and they dont feel any difference in eating only vegetables

Will you get sick from eating chicken after a year of being vegetarian?

I don't think so but I get gas when I (occasionally) eat meat...Be sure your chicken is cooked properly!

How is being a vegetarian healther that eating meat?

Vegetarians eat less saturated fat than meat eaters so they often escape heart disease which kills most Americans who die of disease. Vegetarians have a lower rate of cancer. Vegetarians are less likely to be obese. To be objective, a vegetarian diet is not necessarily healthier than being a non-vegetarian but it often is!

What are the benefits of being a non-vegetarian?

Meat is a food that is high in protein and calories and eating it is an easy way to obtain sufficient of both.In some areas (such as in the Arctic or Antarctic) it is hard to get vegetarian food so sometimes non-vegetarianism = survival.

Is being a vegetarian cool?

I'm a vegetarian, and to me it's very cool.

Is being a vegetarian weird?
