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If you leave Mirena in place after five years, you could get pregnant. Other than that, there are no side effects.

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Q: What are the side effects if Mirena is left in place too long?
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Is it possible to have a long period after inserted Mirena?

No. you need to go to the doctors to get that checked out! that happened to my mom and she had 2 tumors in her bladder. Not a good sign!!! Prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding is listed as one of the "severe" side effects of Mirena. You should definitely consult a doctor. See the link below for a list of side effects from Mirena use.

What happens when coil left too long?

If you leave the copper IUD in too long, there are no potential health problems. If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks.

Can the Mirena and Yaz pill be used together long term?

I had the mirena inserted Oct 2012, but with that I had the bad luck of an ovarian cyst. I used Yaz for 6 months and the cyst disappeared. It made it's appearance again end of 2013 and the cyst had burst. You can use Yaz together with the mirena but not for long term.

What will happen if you leave your Mirena coil in too long?

you are advised to replace the mirena coil after 5 years, though they probably are effective a while longer than that. Leaving it in much longer, will reduce it's effectiveness. If it's left inside way too long, it can get stuck and be harder to remove. If left very long, it can cause blood loss and pain. Last year we removed a coil that had been in place 20 years. This patient complained about brown loss and pain. It is best to replace your coil after about 5 years to avoid problems with removal later, and guarantee it's optimal effectiveness.

What happens if you don't take mirena out?

If you leave the copper IUD in too long, there are no potential health problems. If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks.

What are the Long term effects if all animals are used for collections for scientists?

There will be none left.

Mirena cause weight gain but what is it?

Mirena is one brand of intrauterine device with progestogen, available in the USA and the UK. It is a method of contraception and is classified as long-acting, reversible contraceptive. Part of the device is a cylinder containing a hormon (levonorgestrel) that is gradually released. That hormon acts as contraceptive and -may- have effects like weight gain. But that is no proven side-effect, in the nearly 25 years the product has been on the market.

What will happen if you don't get Mirena removed?

If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks. For instance, if you're menopausal and not concerned about pregnancy, there is no pressing need to remove it.

What are the effects of a medical amputation of a front left leg of a hedgehog?

It will adapt and be fine as long as it is a beloved pet .

How long to wait before using pill after Mirena removal?

It makes sense to start just before the removal.

You got Mirena in May and am still bleeding heavily and have really bad cramps is this normal?

I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time with the Mirena. I too had the Mirena and experienced the same issues as yourself over an 8 month period. It turned out that I had several oversized Fibroids and the Mirena did not help with the stemming of heavy bleeding. I had my Mirena removed and subsequently the Fibroids - best thing I ever did. I know they say it can work instantly or may take a couple of months, but it depends on how long you want to continue with things they way they are. Good luck with which ever dicision you make.

How long does the Mirena last?

Mirena's useful life is five years. After it's removed, your period will return within four to six weeks, if your periods were regular before. Like the birth control pill, it quickly gets out of your system.