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Mouthwash is an oral hygiene product that is not intended to be swallowed. If you accidentally swallow mouthwash, the side effects that you may experience include nausea and diarrhea.

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Q: What are the sidefects if you accidentally swallow mouthwash?
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Why is it bad to swallow mouthwash?

You are not supposed to swallow mouthwash because of its high amount of ethanol, as some have more alcohol than an average beer.

Can you swallow Magic mouthwash or must you spit it out?

Yes,you can swallow Magic mouthwash and my Dr.says it will help with the soreness in your throat.

If you use mouthwash everyday and sometimes accidentally swallow a little- will the small trace amount gradually build up within your body or will they get destroyed by the digestive system?

If you are only swallowing a little, there should be no harm done.

Can you drink scope mouthwash?

Most mouthwashes are given a bitter taste so that you do not swallow them.

Name something you put in your mouth but do not swallow?

Gum Toothpaste Mouthwash Hard Candy / Sucker

Can you use mouthwash before a fasting blood test?

As long as you don't swallow it, you should be fine!

What should you do if you swallow mouthwash?

Swallowing a mouthful of Listerine will not do any real harm to a person. However, drinking mouthwash regularly and doing so in large amounts can have a negative effect on a person since it contains alcohol.

Do horses swallow snakes while grazing?

No. Snakes are too long and slithery for a horse to swallow, even accidentally.

What is the Alcohol content in mouthwash?

Mouthwash contain more alcohol than wine. It contain 6.6% to 26.9% alcohol. A detail content of alcohol in mouthwash are as below: Listerine 26.9% Scope 18.9% Signal 14.5% Cepacol 14.0% Listermint 6.6%

How many things do you accidentally swallow in your life?

It is difficult to quantify the exact number of objects a person might accidentally swallow in their lifetime. Accidental swallowing can happen, but it is important to be mindful of what is being ingested to prevent potential harm.

What will happen if you accidentally swallow a staple?

It will pass through your body with no ill-effects

What happens if you accidentally swallow 'white spirits' paint thinner?

U will die