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If a hamster is scared or nervous it may bite you.

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Q: What are the signs of a nervous hamster?
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Why would a hamster pace?

Its nervous or upset. Thats what mine does.

How do you know if your dwarf hamster has mites?

If your dwarf hamster has signs of hair loss lots or itching and green hammy manure then these signs may be theresult of mites

Syrian hamster dying- what are the signs?

ur hamster will be very slow in his or her movement and will not eat as much as usually it does and it will hardly move about

Teddy bear hamster dying?

how old is he/she and what are the signs? sickness or oldness?

Why Hamster bite me but Hamster sleep on hand sometime?

Hamsters usually bite when they are nervous or scared. It's not usually anything personal, they are just jumpy.

How do you make a nervous hamster sleep in your arm?

just pet him til he comes down

Are there signs you can observe that shows a hamster needs to pee?

Well, if my hamster needs to do its business, my hamster usually gets into a comfortable spot and stays still for a while stareing at somethinghope you find out!

Your dwarf hamster just fell off your dresser and its pregnant what do you do?

How did the hamster land? Are they limping at all? It all depends on how the hamster is. If it shows any signs of injury or pain then I would take her to the vets.

You think your hamster might have had her babies and ate them while you were gone.Is there any way to tell?

I guess you can tell. If your hamster has been pregnant for 10-16 days and was showing signs of pregnancy and you know she was pregnant then all of a sudden the signs were gone and your hamster is back to it's old self then that is probably the case

How Do You Know When What if your Hamster Is Unwell? This site lists lots of hamster illnesses and their symptoms. General signs of a sick hamster are listlessness, lethargy, and acting unlike how it usually does. Hope it was helpful!

What are the first signs of your hamster beginning her pregnancy?

Saving up food and making a nest

Are there eating process signs a hamster is giving birth?

When a hamster is getting ready to give birth, she will likely refuse food. She will make a nest, and will not want to leave it.