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If they start to sleep a lot or act diffrently than their usual behavior or treat you differently.

First clue, you can smell the alcohol on their breath. Their movements become unsteady. They can't perform deliberate actions very well. They talk nonsense. Their personality becomes exaggerated, they're way too nice or too mean (their mental filter is not operating).

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12y ago

They include slurring words, acting differently than usual, being unsteady, and talking gibberish.

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8y ago
  1. They can't walk well
  2. They have high emotions
  3. You can kind of smell the alcohol in their breath
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Q: What are the signs that someone is drunk?
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What are the signs if someone is drunk?

Walking wrong

What are some telltale signs of a drunk driver?

Drunk driving is very dangerous and there are some signs that make it pretty obvious that someone is drinking. If you see them driving slow, and swerving, chances are they are also drinking.

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Ataxia is a neurological symptom/sign of not being able to coordinate movement. There are many things that can cause someone to have ataxia. "Being drunk" is the reason behind someone exhibiting a bunch of signs/symptoms. Being drunk is a cause of ataxia, although usually, there's other signs and symptoms too.

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Maybe, maybe not. Slurring and walking with exaggerated care are first and foremost signs of someone being drunk (and trying to hide it). But these signs will be the same regardless if you're drunk on a regular basis(like an alcoholic) or if it's your very first buzz. An alcoholic while sober is unlikely to display those signs.

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A lush is a drunk - someone who is habitually drunk.

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because that person is chosing to get drunk or high....its not like someone is forcing them

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If you roommate appears to be drunk or hung over all the time then there may be a problem. If they are having problems at work or school there my be a problem.

Is this question correct ''i want to drunk you''?

No drunk means inebriated which you can't do to someone.

On average how many minutes does it take someone to pass out when drunk?

How many minutes it takes for someone to pass out drunk depends on how much they drank.

If you get drunk can you get HIV?

Being drunk has nothing to do with getting HIV. You get HIV if you have sex with someone who has HIV, whether you're sober or drunk.

What are the 5 telltale signs of a drunk driver?

SwervingNot maintaining speedAre your lights on?The smellYour speech