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First, know that a toxic relationship can be any kind of relationship, not just one between romantic partners. And the "toxic" label can be applied to a wide variety of bad relationships—emotionally or physically abusive relationships are just one extreme.

The biggest sign that you're in a toxic relationship is that you're unhappy. If you don't enjoy spending time with this person and instead feel anxious, sad, or just generally bad when you're with them, it's time to take a hard look at the relationship and figure out what's wrong. Sometimes you can work through what's making it toxic, and other times, you just have to walk away.

Some specific behaviors that might indicate the person is toxic for you:

  • Excessive negativity
  • Control (subtle or overt)
  • Passive aggression
  • Not taking ownership
  • Constantly undermining you
  • Making you feel like you can't voice concerns

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Candace Okuneva

Lvl 10
4y ago
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15y ago

Sandra Brown MA's book WOMEN WHO LOVE PSYCHOPATHS would answer this fully for you.

The most obvious sign is when one party takes incessantly, with no real concern for the other party's needs. If there are no drugs or alcohol involved, you are almost certainly dealing with either sociopathic personality disorder (a more correct name for sociopath) or narcissistic personalty disorder. Neither make good partners, and you should seek help for yourself, not for them.

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14y ago

Many times it is not discovered until a dramatic abusive event occurs. The issue with it is that it usually occurs at the same time as another major life event, easily blurring the lines and creating doubt as to what is real and what is not. If you find yourself continually down and confused after a relationship moment, usually those requiring intimacy (openness, trust, love), it is likely the narcissist at work. The ability of the narcissist to project onto those that are failing them in some way is used ferociously at times when the victim needs support the most. the victim will many times find themselves so confused by a long series of events that there is no good starting point or event to even talk about and the internalization of the narcissists view of the victim is completed where the victim owns all of the lies, or seems like they lying themselves. It is possible because of the nature of caregivers is based on trust and the narcissist is an expert at gaining it by projecting this feeling immediately and caregivers become the next unknowing victim.
Anyone who has read this far must become aware of this personality disorder. Men are much more easily spotted, women are not. Typically, the codependency is deeply ingrained and if you find yourself owning issues that are clearly your spouses, stop it and get help now. You will know when they are approached and you are left with a feeling of confusion as to why you caused the problem. Do not wait because of finances, time, availability or any other excuse. He/she will have tons of "reassuring" statements of how you are just going through a bad time, and all the while withdrawing further and saying you are the cause. This will render you incapable of effectively dealing with the issue in your lives. You have permanently lost your value to the narcissist, as they are unable to forgive, apologize, or see another point of view. You may think they are angry (all communication is done with a reason to feed themselves) but the opinion made lasts forever. You will find yourself confused when you find out about something they said or did that hurts you or is in contradiction and as an answer you find yourself discussing you. Run, and run fast if this happens. Go to a therapist experienced in personality disorders. If you have allowed this to go on for a long time (which you did, you now realize) you are suffering from one also, and need to reestablish reality and boundaries. Do not enter marriage counseling. It is you with the issue of needing help and the other person's reason for attending is to destroy you. Stop all communication of the issues and become consistent in maintaining chores and job searches, etc. without discussing them. If you find yourself being projected on and have the inability to leave the relationship immediately you must start a therapy program individually now at any cost. Protect this relationship with the therapist. Allow for mutual meetings with another therapist if the spouse so desires. Do not allow them to meet this one. Do not leave information of the name, number appointment time or other ways for the narcissist to contact them. They are masters of confidence and will find a way to interject themselves into your therapy and negate it.

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Young likeb

Lvl 2
4y ago

If you are committed with someone, you or either your partner may recognize some of the below signs or in the relationship itself.

Less hold up, toxic talks, jealousy, dishonesty, disrespect and, negative financial behaviors. To get tips how to make your relationship strong and healthy follow best women's lifestyle blogs- Younglikeb

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Young likeb

Lvl 2
4y ago

If you are committed with someone, you or either your partner may recognize some of the below signs or in the relationship itself.

Less hold up, toxic talks, jealousy, dishonesty, disrespect and, negative financial behaviors. To get tips how to make your relationship strong and healthy follow best women's lifestyle blogs- Young like b

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Lvl 2
4y ago

A toxic relationship can be in an array of different things. In my experience, the toxicity was coming from verbal communication. When someone makes you feel like you are not worth anything, it should not be taken lightly. Or when they blame you or others for things they have done.

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Shelby Huntt

Lvl 3
4y ago

Lack of support. ...

Toxic communication. ...

Jealousy. ...

Controlling behaviors. ...

Resentment. ...

Dishonesty. ...

Patterns of disrespect. ...

Negative financial behaviors.

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محمد نور بروق

Lvl 6
1y ago

Hello, i add, firstly after a god an existence or a life or everything... is stable completely, because a god not need something or someone... for help or assist... him for complete or fix anything or an existence, thus i want an all be comfortable completely about no problems in a life or existence never, but we be exchange our interests and discover optionally and gradually in anywhere... thus after a god anything is possible and optional but by true or logical way. thus also answer for your question too, if you take any relation even if it is wrong but you take it logically or by true way optionally then it become and be true too and optional. but if yo found yourself need to solve problem in anytime then solve it by logic, but always an existence or life is stable and pure completely and the evil is artificial and under control from the origin and in anytime and not exist in a fact.

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12y ago

signs of emotional abuse:

defensive about everything

alienating yourself from others

angry a lot

bouts of depression

low self esteem

feeling like you can never do anything right

take life so serious

unable to joke or laugh as much

feeling unworthy

feeling disconected

these are just a few signs of emotional abuse. some may experience more side effects,some may experience a few or all of these.

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Rosel Lamoste

Lvl 7
3y ago

If you can't find peace in any circumstance, at all...

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Michael Kreiger

Lvl 1
3y ago
How did you get that answer?
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Leta Davis

Lvl 1
3y ago
great answer tyy!
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Can a person sue for emotional abuse when a parent or guardian tries to destroy the relationship with the other parent?

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Signs and symptoms of emotional abuse include, Name calling, Yelling, Insulting the person, Threatening the person or threatening to take away something that is important to them,Imitating or mocking the person,Swearing at them. Physical abuse includes fighting, beating or body harm.

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Uncertainty, fear, guilt, shame, worry, lack of self respect.

Are guilt trips emotional abuse?

Guilt condems the spirit of a person. It's unfair. Yes, I would say that guilt trips are a form of emotional abuse. Escape to a healthy relationship!

Can emotional abuse turn physical how long does it take before the abuse gets physical?

Emotional abuse can sometimes escalate to physical abuse, but not all cases of emotional abuse lead to physical violence. The timeline for when emotional abuse may turn physical varies and is difficult to predict. It depends on multiple factors such as the individuals involved, the severity of the emotional abuse, and the underlying dynamics of the relationship. If you are experiencing emotional abuse, it is important to reach out for help and support as early as possible.

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Yes, suicide threats can be a form of abuse if they are used to manipulate others. The person is threatening to hurt themselves or others so that you will stay in the relationship that is not only emotional abuse, it is mental abuse as well.

Signs and symptoms of danger harm and abuse?

They come in the form of physical, emotional, sexual abuses. Physical abuse is deliberately causing physical harm. Emotional abuse is where repeated verbal threats, criticism, ridicule, shouting, lack of love and affection causes a severe adverse effect on a child's emotional development. Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities.

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Generally no. However, in cases of the emotional abuse of a child, the authorities might remove the child from that home.



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