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The usual first sign of head lice is itching, observing your child itching their head usually around the top of the ear area, or back of the neck.

Then as a good parent you would check their scalp for other signs such as usually eggs which would be little brown very tiny seed looking things stuck to their hair near the scalp around the hairline above the ears ,around the back of the neck and at the front of the forehead.

The first sign for yourself would be the same, but some people also say that the feeling of something crawling around on your scalp is a good indication.

Good idea to get someone to check for you or use a mirror and a comb to check for yourself.

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13y ago
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13y ago

A person infested with scabies will exhibit intense itching especially at night with the presence of a rash or small bumps in the following places....

Between fingers, wrists, elbows, underarms, shoulders, back, chest, neckline, upper arm, waist area, lower abdomen, groin, inner thighs, bottom of feet.

The rash may not have any specific shape, size, or appearance, but most commonly a person will exhibit bumps in various places that spread, sometimes in clusters. Often times the bumps on the hands will be small and raised, in clusters or in tracks up the hand originating from between the thumb and index finger. Sometimes their is no clear sign of bumps, but rather large dime size red areas that are slightly raised above the surrounding skin. A person will often itch themselves raw and scabs will begin to form on various parts of the body.

Furthermore, scabies rashes can be confused with poison oak, or ivy, and some forms of dermatitis.

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10y ago

Symptoms of pubic lice and scabies include itching, scabs, and visual bugs. See your health care provider for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of your symptoms, and get screened for STDs at the same time.

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12y ago

When you start to itch your head a lot, especially at the back of the neck and behind the ears. Have someone inspect you to verify if you have head lice with a magnifying glass and a bright light.

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14y ago

Itchy scalp, and nits(lice eggs) are the most sure and obvious way to tell if you have lice, if your unsure talk to a doctor, school nurse, etc.

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Q: What are the signs of lice in your hair?
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How many hours does the lice live in your hair?

Lice lasts in your hair until you wash it, if you don't the lice will have sex, then it will have babies until your hair is all white with lice

Why does your hair itch when you talk about hair lice?

it is because u think about hair lice and think that its in your hair

How do you make a sentences a lice?

There is lice in your hair.

Do lice like African hair?

Lice can exist in any type of hair; and scabies (body lice) exist without it.

Does lice get in colored treated hair?

Yes - colour of hair is not relevant to head lice.

Is lice harmful or helpful?

Lice is not harmful or helpful, Lice is attracted to clean hair, but when you have lice, make sure to wash your hair thoroughly and buy special lice shampoo or cream.

Do lice stay on hair bows?

yes i guess because the lice get on the hair bow and if some one else puts in on the lice spread. so if you have lice and you wear a hair bow, don't share it. it's the same with hats and hair bands.

If you had lice was your hair to clean or to dirty?

i am a doctor and i say lice come from people with clean hair.

Will lice get in hair that is permed?

No. As long as there is hair on your head and you don't treat the lice, they will continue to live.

Do lice like oily hair?

Yes, of course they do. They also like stinky hair. If you want to keep lice away wash your hair once a day so you will have less of a chance of getting lice in your hair. Hope this helps you out. Head lice like clean hair! Not dirty!

Can you get lice if you have hairspray on your hair?

Yes, lice can live in short hair. (But, they are easier to treat in shorter hair.)

Is head lice caused by poor hygiene?

< no, lice prefers clean hair. If the hair is dirty the lice/eggs cannot attach themselves.