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look for light brown spots. since the pineapple is high in sugars, they will ferment quickly once the fruit is sliced, after about three days, and stored in the fridge.

if the fruit is unsliced and sitting on your counter or the grocer's counter, check for these signs of over-ripeness: excessive mold at the base, where it was cut from the mother plant. soft sides or discoloration, and always look out for that "fermented" smell.

BTW: here are the sure-shot ways to determine if the pineapple you're looking at is ripe enough for you to eat. there are four steps:

1. uniform golden-brown color

2. SLIGHT bit of mold at the base where it was cut from the mother plant

3. pick one of the middle leaves from the top. look out, they're a little sharp. does the leaf come out easily? yes? then the core of this fruit is soft and the sugars should be mellow and sweet.

4. smell the sides. does it smell like pineapple? or does it smell overdone? or green? determine for yourself. the sides should smell sweet and mellow, not too acidy.

follow these steps and you're guaranteed a swell pineapple.

this is a wonderful plant, they're part of the BROMELIAD family, which has all kinds of crazy, outer-space looking flowers that come out for sale in early fall... BROMELAIN is a popular digestive aid on the market, and it comes from pineapples.

when its hot out, there's nothing better for your body than tropical fruits. they help the body to moisturize and aid digestion. their natural oils aid the skin in healing, and help keep body weight down, by reducing appetite and (full of natural fiber) cleansing the GI tract.

so in the heat, eat: pineapple, papaya, mango, avocado, lime, coconut, all that hot jungle fruit! and you'll be glad you did.

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14y ago

Common signs of spoilage in most foods are - *Bad smell *Discoloration *Growth of mold *Wrong texture (too soft or too hard) *Bad taste *Wrong consistency (too thin / liquidy or too mushy)

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