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The symptoms of grief and loss aren't always obvious. This is especially true when the person grieving is distressed over a loss that is not connected with a bereavement.

The best way to tell if someone is grieving is by being really aware of the different signs of grief. Symptoms generally fall into four distinct categories: physical, emotional, behavioral, and social symptoms.

Whether it is the loss of a loved one, pet, job, health, hope, or dream, people who are grieving will often:

  • cry at the drop of a hat
  • lack energy
  • blame others
  • have upset stomachs and headaches
  • feel as if they are the only ones who have ever experienced this pain -- and they would be right, because for each of us grief is unique.

For a detailed description the stages and symptoms of grief, and how to help those who are grieving,

visit http:




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Q: What are the signs that someone is experrencing loss and grief?
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