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They drink all of the time.They might not be able to walk right

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Q: What are the signs that someone might have a drinking problem?
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What are some common signs that one has alcohol problems?

There are many common signs that one has alcohol problems. These include drinking in the morning, denial, and getting angry when someone asks you about your drinking habits.

What are some telltale signs of a drunk driver?

Drunk driving is very dangerous and there are some signs that make it pretty obvious that someone is drinking. If you see them driving slow, and swerving, chances are they are also drinking.

How to prevent alcoholism before it starts?

Either cut back or abstain at the first signs of possible problem drinking.

What are signs of an alcohol problem?

There are a lot of signs that can let someone realize the abuse of alcohol is happening to someone else. Signs include, drinking alcohol more than once a week or even weekly, neglecting responsibilities, Anger easily and often, Legal issues, drinking to reduce stress, physical and mental abuse, knowing consequences and still drinking, and tolerance.

Alcohol consumption tends to cause what type of behavior?

Signs of alcoholism are progressive, meaning that symptoms will worsen over time with continued use of alcohol. Signs of a drinking problem may include heavy drinking, frequent intoxication, or even a change in a person's demeanor while drinking. If a person finds that they are having trouble cutting back on the amount of alcohol one is consuming or unable to go without alcohol then one should seek professional help.

Which of the following is not one of the three ways you can help someone who displays signs of mental or emotional problems?

Argue about the problem.

What are signs of impaired coordination when drinking alcohol?

Such signs include driving slowly, weaving, not following traffic signs, etc.

You have chest pain and the feeling of burping what is it?

This might be the early signs of a cardiac problem. Consult a professional now

What are some signs of alcohol abuse?

Some signs of alcohol abuse is if the person tries to hide the alcohol that they are drinking, if they feel ashamed whenever they are drinking, if they have to drink in order to feel better, or if they black out while drinking a lot.

What symptoms indicate a drinking problem?

One of the trademark signs of addiction of any kind is if the sufferer craves more of the addictive substance constantly. If someone cannot go a day without drinking alcohol, and becomes irritable or depressed if unable to get it, this is a sign that something may be wrong. Alcoholics may shun activities that don't allow them the ability to drink and may be unable to control themselves once they start a drinking session. If they get in trouble for drinking too much and yet continue to drink anyway, they're addicted.

What are some tell tale signs that someone has alcohol addiction?

If you roommate appears to be drunk or hung over all the time then there may be a problem. If they are having problems at work or school there my be a problem.

What are some of the signs of a stroke?

There are many signs that someone has had a stroke. You may experience dizziness. You might also feel weakness in your arms or legs. You may find you are confused. You might also feel you can't speak. There is also a chance you will have trouble with your vision.