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The difference between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins is that fat soluble vitamins are not easily excreted in the body. They can retain for a period of time.Water soluble vitamins are excreted easily out of the body through urination, perspiration or defecation and vomitting.

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11y ago

I assume you mean fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins are generally harder to consume unhealthy amounts of, while fat suluble ones are generally easier to get bad effects from overdosing. In any case, you should get enough of all your necessary micro-nutrients if you are eating healthy foods. If you think you need dietary supplements, then you should talk to your doctor.

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Q: What are the similarities and differences of fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins?
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What are the similarities of vitamins and minerals?

Yes they are in some ways but they are also different. One way they are the same is the fact if you were to eat a variety of foods you will reach the amount you need of both. They are different because vitamins are organic and minerals are not. I hope this helped. Because they are in fact the same at some points and aspects but also different.

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