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Q: What are the similarities between Bentham and Mill?
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Who is associated with utilitarianism?

James Mill and Jeremy Bentham

What was a major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill?

One major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill was their views on individual rights and the role of government intervention. While Bentham focused on maximizing happiness through utilitarian principles and believed in a strong government role in regulating society, Mill emphasized individual liberties and freedoms, advocating for limited government intervention and promoting the idea of personal autonomy.

Who first proposed utilitarianism?

The founders of Utilitarianism were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Both were English philosophers. Mill lived from 1806 to 1973, and Bentham lived from 1748 to 1832.

Who are the reformists?

Charles Dickens, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill

What philosophers believed in the Greatest Happiness Principle?

The Greatest Happiness Principle, often associated with utilitarianism, was championed by philosophers like Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. They believed that actions should be judged based on their ability to maximize overall happiness and minimize suffering for the greatest number of people.

Who condemned natural rights as an invention of fantasy?

j s mill

Who established utilitarian conservation theory?

Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill

Who were the famous utilitarianist?

one of them was called Jeremy Bentham and the other was called J.S Mill

What countries used utilitarianism?

Britain, as it originated there, and developed by J.S Mill and Jeremy Bentham

What is the difference between Jeremy bentham and john Stuart mill?

In short, Jeremy Bentham considered all happiness equally (Quantitatively)Bentham says majority rules meaning that what gives the most people pleasure regardless of the quality is the best option. While John Stuart Mill took it one step further and claimed that some happiness /pleasures (higher faculties such as exercising your intellect, feelings, imagination and morality) are of greater meaning (better) than the simpler pleasures (such as unintellectual stimulation-watching a sitcom). Mill took the qualitative view on it (Quality of the pleasure) while Bentham looked at in the quantitative view (the more people pleased the better or the more pleasures received the better).

True or False Utilitarianism was developed in its modern form by British philosophers John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham?


Who expounded The theory of utilitarianism?

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1836),James Mill(1773-1839) and Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900)