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Q: What are the similarities between fresh water and salt water biomes?
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What are the 3 major water biomes?

Freshwater Biomes, Estuary Biomes, and Marine Biomes

Fish in marine biome?

Fish are a part of the marine biome. There are two forms of marine biomes: fresh water biomes and salt water biomes.

What are two types of aquatic biomes?

The 7 aquatic biomes are ponds lakes, rivers, streames, estuaries, sea shores,and coral reefs.

What kind of soil is found in fresh water biomes?

sandy and silty

What biomes include ponds river lakes and streams?

The Fresh water biome because it all goes in the fresh water community.

What are 2 water biomes?

marine biome and the freshwater biome

How did Cyano Bacteria obtain energy?

In ocean, fresh water& marine biomes

Where do freshwater biomes come from?

Fresh water Biomes come from rainfall the first rain came from the smoke of all the valcanoes on earth erupting and when the glaciers swept through the land and water it carved lakes and rivers after the water evaporated it rained again and made the lakes and rivers fill up and that's how u get fresh water biomes

What is a positive human impact on freshwater biomes?

We can clean up the fresh water biome if it is unclean.

Annual precipitation for fresh water biomes in north America?

90-100 inches per day

Difference between fresh water and marine water?

Differences in fresh water and marine biomes are:Marine biomes have more salt than freshwater biomes.They have different animals; some animals cannot survive in saltwater conditions, so they are freshwater animals.Three fourths (3/4) of the water on earth is made up of marine biomes, while freshwater biomes are found inland as rivers, lakes, and ponds.

What is the difference between ecosystems and biomes?

The difference between biomes and ecosystems are that "biomes are large areas made up of many connected land and water ecoystems, and an ecosystem is defined by all of its organisms and its abiotic factors.