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Q: What are the similarties between time and space?
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What are the differences and Similarties between Pulleys and Levers?

the similarities are that both of them are your dad and the difference are that one of them have a bigger

What is the difference between space harmonics and time harmonics?

Fields for which the time variation is sinusoidal are called time-harmonic fields. Space hormonics means variation of a quantity in space like in induction motor rmf is present in the airgap (space) and few hormonic components also present in airgap (space) those are said to be space hormonics

What is the term for the relationship between the speed of light and the measurements of time and space?

Einstein's Theory of Relativity

How does Einstein's theory of relativity describe space?

In Einstein's theory of relativity space is described as being three dimensions of the four dimensional "space-time continuum". The Four-Dimensional Continuum of space-time can be expressed using three space coordinates x,y,z (eg. length, width, depth)and one time coordinate ict, where t is time, c is the speed of light, and i is the square root of minus 1. Einstein, prior to publishing his research into relativity, became convinced that time and space were simultaneous in that any measurement of points in space required that time be present as an interval between the points. This condition, known on occasions as space-time covarianceor equilibrium is the reason that light yearsare currently the unit of measurement in expanses of space.

Why the thermos bottle keeps hot water warm for a long time?

the layer of vacum space in between the bottle

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The relationship between time and space is, r=ct or space = the speed of light times time.Time t = r/c or time is space divided by the speed of light.Space r is a real number as time t and cthe speed of light.

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