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Q: What are the similatiers between a Pope and a priest?
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What order of the priest was Pope Benedict XVI?

Pope Cardinal Archbishop Bishop Priest Deacon

When was Pope Francis ordained a PRIEST (not pope)?

He was ordained a priest on December 13, 1969.

Was Saint Patrick a priest or a bishop or a pope?

Saint Patrick was a bishop. He is recognized as the patron saint of Ireland and is credited with bringing Christianity to the country.

How does a priest become a pope?

A priest could only become pope if he is elected by the cardinals in conclave.

Can a pope still be a priest?

A pope will always be a priest. He does not lose that title simply because he has been elected as pope. He continues to function as any other priest, saying Mass, hearing confessions, and other normal priestly duties.The pope never ceases to be a priest.

Was Pope Callixtus III a priest before becoming pope?

Yes he was a priest and later consecrated as a bishop and then elevated to cardinal.

When was Pope Pius X ordained as a priest?

Pope Saint Pius X was ordained a priest on September 18, 1858.

Is the Pope still a priest?

Yes he is.

Do Methodists have a priest?

No, Baptists do not have a pope.

When was Pope Benedict XVI ordained as a priest?

Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) was ordained a priest on June 29, 1951.

Where did the pope study to be a priest?

Please specify the name of the pope you are referring to in your question.

Does the pope go to confession?

The pope has a personal confessor, usually a priest.