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The six qualities included in a description of colony morphology are texture, size, shape, pigment, speed of growth, and patterns of growth in broth and Gelatin media.

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Q: What are the six qualities included in a description of colony morphology?
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What is the difference between a tissue and a colony?

A bacterial cell is a unit of bacterial colony. In colony of bacteria there can be thousands to million of cells can be present. The morphology of the colony of bacteria can be seen with naked eyes without the help of any gear. Where as the bacterial cell can only be seen under microscope.

What is the colony morphology of Edwardsiella tarda?

On a TSA plate colonies are of medium size, irregular, raised, translucent, and smell of rotten eggs.

What is the purpose of smearing in microbiology?

Smear are made for preparing slides for staining which are used in microscopy. The main purpose of smear is to seprate cluster of microbial cells so that we can see them seprately which is helpfull in studying there morphology, and arrangement in colony

What is the colony morphology of E. coli on nutrient agar?

I recently completed colony morphology on the E.colispecimen.The results displayed small colonies that were circular in shape, a diameter of approximately 0.5mm, the elevation of the colonies was seen to be slightly raised with the surface incredibly smooth.The colonies were also seen to have a pink colour pigmentation in Mac conkey agar due to its lactose fermenter after growth.The gram stain for these bacteria should be negative rod shaped.

Why is determining colonial morphology useful to a microbiologist?

The first thing a microbiologist observed in a labotatory culture of microbes is there colony, and by just observing the morphology of colonies any microbe one can distinguish or identify the type of organism not exactly but up to some extent, as the morphology of bacterial and fungal colonies are very different and also the different species of bacteria show different colour and shape the colony can be rough or smooth or can be sticky. Also the time of growth can be observed and the type of nutrition tell a microbiologist much about the microbes.

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What does the wordstaphylo mean?

A 'bunch of grapes,' which refers to Staph's colony morphology.

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How do you know if a colony is of bacterial or yeast origin?

Without microscope and only from morphology?

Can colony morphology help to determine the identity of bacteria?

to know the amount of bacteria present

Colony morphology of Bacillus Subtilis?

Cream coloured (on nutrient agar); Flat and circular with undulate margins.

What is the difference between a tissue and a colony?

A bacterial cell is a unit of bacterial colony. In colony of bacteria there can be thousands to million of cells can be present. The morphology of the colony of bacteria can be seen with naked eyes without the help of any gear. Where as the bacterial cell can only be seen under microscope.

What were three unique qualities of the New York colony?

They were very......

What is the name of the northernmost colony?

The northernmost colony in the American was Massachusetts. At the time, the colony included the area that is now Maine.

What is the colony morphology of Edwardsiella tarda?

On a TSA plate colonies are of medium size, irregular, raised, translucent, and smell of rotten eggs.

Colony morphology of yeast S.cerrevisiae?

Size: 1-4mm Outline: Circular Shape: Round Surface: Matt Colour: White & Opaque Effect on surrounding medium: Pigment diffusing from the colony