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Q: What are the size direction arrangement appearance or quality of wood fibers known as?
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What muscle arrangement fibers run tangentially or feather?

The Pennate arrangement. The fascicles attach obliquely to the tendon.

How do you determine paper quality?

paper quality is determined by length of the fibers, what percentage of the fibers is virgin versus recycled fibers, whether the fibres were bleached and by density of the paper.

What is the most obvious structural feature of areolar connective tissue?

The most obvious structural feature of areolar connective tissue is its loose arrangement of collagen and elastic fibers. This gives the tissue its "cobweb-like" appearance and provides flexibility and support to surrounding structures. Additionally, areolar connective tissue contains numerous cells, including fibroblasts, which are responsible for producing and maintaining the extracellular matrix.

A muscle in which the fibers are arranged at an angle to a central longitudinal tendon has a arrangement?


What is the syncytial arrangement of cardiac muscle fibers?

only skeletal muscle has a syncytial arrangement becausesyncytial means multinucleated and only skeletal muscle is multinucleated.

Direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line?

These muscle fibers are said to be lateral.

What are the 7 criteria that are used in naming muscles?

Action of the muscle Shape of the muscle Location of the muscle's origin and or insertion Number of origins Location of muscle relative to a bone or body region Direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line Relative size of the muscle

In which direction do the muscle fibers of a worm extend?

The muscle fibers of an earthworm run vertically along the entirety of the worm.

Why does paper tear easily straight but not across?

Due to the way paper is made, its fibers tend to run in one direction. If you tear in that direction, along the fibers, the paper tears easily, and the fibers guide the tear to be straight across. If you tear the paper across the fibers, all of the above is untrue.

How are muscle fibers arranged to form a muscle?

Muscle fibers can be arranged into two basic structural patterns, fusiform and pinnate. Most human muscles are fusiform, with the fibers largely arranged parallel along the muscle's longitudinal axis. In many of the larger muscles the fibers are inserted obliquely into the tendon, and this arrangement resembles a feather. The fibers in a pinnate (feather) muscle are shorter than those of a fusiform muscle. The arrangement of pinnate muscle fibers can be single or double, as in muscles of the forearm, or multipinnate, as in the gluteus maximus or deltoid.

What effect does production of fibers have on the air quality of your environment?

the answer is that it has an influence on us

The arrangement of microtubules that become visible during mitosis and that separate the chromosomes into equal groups is called the?

the answer is spindle (or spindle fibers)