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Some natural predators of the skink are raccoons, foxes and snakes. The skink must avoid many species and hunters which feed on lizards and other small reptiles.

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Q: What are the skinks predators?
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What are skinks predators?

dogs, cats, birds & anything much bigger than them

Skinks have a blue what?

skinks have blue tails

Do skinks have a backbone?

Yes skinks have backbones which makes them a vertabrae.

What do lizards skinks eat?

Skinks eat other skinks. Big Skinks eat the skinks that are smaller then the bigger skinks. They drink milk from cows as well. There main thing they eat is snails. How skinks catch snails: They first jump on the snail and stomp ot it to make it crushed. (they prefer snails crushed)

Do skinks like the sun?

Skinks are cold blooded so they need the sun to keep warm. They spend periods of the day in the sun and close to objects that retain heat like large rocks and the walls of houses. Skinks are most often found in areas that have a good water supply, food supply and large rocks with plenty of surrounding foliage for emergency cover from predators.

Where does sand skinks live?

Sand skinks live in the sand.

What do some skinks have that is blue?

Some skinks have a blue tongue

What do Australian skinks eat?

Australian skinks have a varied diet. Some of the things the skinks eat are moths, flies, caterpillars, and small insects.

Reptile's tail can be easily broken off?

Most reptiles to not easily loose their tails, however some types of lizard including certain skinks shed their tails to distract predators.

What should be fed to skinks?

This question cannot be answered, because no species of skink was identified. Skinks are a large family of lizards, and range from tiny forest-floor dwelling insectivores to large tree-dwelling herbivores, and everything in between. Popular pet skinks include fire skinks (insectivores), blue-tongued skinks (omnivores), and monkey-tailed skinks (herbivores).

What do skinks have that is blue?

Depends, some skinks has blue tounges but others dont.

Are blue tounghed skinks lizards?

Yes, all skinks are a type of lizard.