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Q: What are the small holes in the walls of the inter alveolar septa?
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What is the small tube between the bronchus and the alveoli?

The alveolar duct

How do you get filters with small holes?

You can get filters with small holes by using graphene.

How many small holes are on the ceiling of a school bus?

1,744,656 small holes

Can small holes in your eardrum make you deaf?

small holes cant make you deaf as the ear canal is still open

Describe the structure of a terminal bronchiole and its alveolar sac?

terminal brobchiole is formed as a result of division of respiratory bronchiole. It is extremely thin and end up into alveolar sac ALVEOLAR SAC THESE ARE SMALL SACS WITH 8 TO 10 SACCULES CALLES ALVEOLI. IT HAS CENTRAL AIR PASSAGE. THESE ALVEOLI SERVE AS RESPIRATORY MEMBRANE AND HELP IN EXCHANGE OF GASES

Do small holes make you deaf?


What would cause small holes in tomatoes?

Bugs, or sometimes when the tomato is rotton it will form a hole.

What is the function of the small holes in the bone surface?

The function of the small holes in the bones surface is so it can receive nutrients to the bones inside.

Why do people call pot holes chuck holes?

Probably because the small ones remind them of the holes woodchucks make.

Is there a 3rd book in the sequel of holes?

The sequel to Holesis called Stanley Yelnats' Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake, and the third book is called Small Steps.

How do abalone breathe?

They have small holes in their shells.

Does an ingneous rock contain many small holes?

Yes, It is rough and contains many small holes. Igneous rock is formed by cooling of magma/or lava.