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Q: What are the small shrimp like insects in pool?
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What kind of insects breed in above-ground swimming pool filters and look like gnats in the pool water?

Hmm, sounds like you need to superchlorinate and/or clean the filter. Gnats or insects do not breed in pool filters.

What animals lives in vernal pools?

Vernal pools can appear on many of earth's continents, so the type of animal residents would vary, by region. Generally speaking, insects, small fishes, amphibians and reptiles live in this type of pool.

What is the food chain in a rock pool?

producers:red/green seaweed,plant plankton primary consumers:,shrimps,whelks animal plankton secondary consumers:small fish,crab,sea anemone tertiary consumers:seagulls

What do mosquitoes babies look like in pool water?

They look like baby tadpoles, they are small black and have a tail. They wriggle around like small worms in the pool water.

What is a small pool?

It's like a large pool but smaller. Imaagine a bucket. then times that by 6 and fill them with water. About 3 of those times sixed buckets will be enough to fill a small pool. many more would be times to have to have been if large pool is fill

What is a small gene pool?

a small pool of genes when a short guy named gene owns a pool

What is a plop as a sound?

A plop as a sound would be like if you dropped a small pebble into a pool of water! :)

What are the Swarm of flying brown insects that came in with rain landed in pool and detached wings leaving golden brown larvae or worm like bugs floating on surface of pool along with wings?

either Termites or may flies,

What is a small pool of water called?

A puddle is a very small pool, usually left by a rain storm.

How do you tell if there are tadpoles in your swimming pool?

You will see what look like very small fish with tails (or possibly legs if they are becoming frogs soon) and frogs around your pool. If there are tadpoles in your pool you should be able to see them.

What is a kiddie pool?

A kiddie pool is the small pool that you see at a park next to the larger pool. It gives the children who are too small to even get into the shallow end of the big pool a place to get wet and swim the best way they know how.

How do you get rid of water boat-man insects in your pool?

Keep clohrine levels at constant