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the smallest green plant is moss

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Q: What are the smallest green plants?
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Are plants really green?

plants are not green,its light green

The smallest plant in the world?

The smallest plant is the uni-cellular Fresh Water Green Algae (Chlamydomonas genus).

Are plants green cause plants contain chlorophyll?

No not all plants are green

Who is the smallest zombie in Plants vs Zombies?

The Smallest Zombie is The Imp i think

What do green plants have that other plants do not?

green plants have chlorophyll and that's what makes them different

Why can green plants survive but mammals could not survive without green plants?

mammals cant survived without green plants because that is their food and that how they live without green plants they will die.

How do plants get their colours?

Plants are green because of the cholorplasts inside of them. Choloroplasts make the plants green.

What is the color of non green plants?

theoretically green plants contain every color except green, so non green plants in our eyes only contain the color green

Why do green plants photosynthesise?

Green plants photosynthesize to create energy. They are green due to chlorophyll.

Where do plants get there green color?

Plants get there green color from their chlorophyll in their cells

Do Saguaro plants have green stems?

Saguaro plants have green stems.

Why are (most) plants green?

The plants which have chlorophyll content in them are in green colour. Most of the plants have chlorophyll content in them, so they are green in colour