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one theory is that unicorns can heal by touching your wound with their horn.They can also however afflict pain with their horn if threatened

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Q: What are the some theories of Unicorns?
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What are some opposing theories of unicorns?

unicorns jaHH OWIDH kl;kjdhjip MINDLESS BEHAVIOR

What unicorns eat?

There are many theories on that, and the only real way to find out I guess is to ask one.

Are dragons better than unicorns?

It is a matter of opinion if dragons are better than unicorns. Some people think unicorns are better because they are prettier than dragons.

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Did unicorns really live or not?

Not unicorns per se, though some have speculated that the legends of unicorns may have been inspired by now extinct species of deer or rhinoceros relatives.

What are some traits of the mythilogical creature unicorns?

my mom

Do unicorns fart rainbows and burp butterflies?

Only a small portion of the unicorn population fart rainbows AND burp butterflies. Some unicorns do either or, and some do neither.

What are some mythical creatures that specialize in giving strength?

the answer is unicorns. If you drink a unicorns blood, you shall have eternal life, in Harry Potter that is.

What do unicorns hate?

I think unicorns hate dragon really because they are much powerful and unicorns are a bit weak because dragons have have elements that can kill any unicorn, And unicorns don't. Dragons have fire prof scales so that they don't burn in fire so unicorns don't have some type of safe macanisim to protect them, And that's why they hate dragons so much.

What books are unicorns in?

There are many books with unicorns in them, as the unicorn is a very popular mythological creation/idea. Some examples of books with unicorns in them include: Inkspell (Cornelia Funke) - There is a slight mention of a unicorn in this book.

Are rainbow colored unicorns gay?

use of the term 'gay' to mean stupid or weird is an example of bigotry.