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Curriculum objectives can be derived from various sources such as educational standards set by governing bodies, the needs and interests of students, input from teachers and educators, societal expectations and demands, and research on effective teaching and learning practices. The sources of curriculum objectives may vary depending on the educational context and goals of the curriculum.

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Q: What are the sources of curriculum objectives?
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What are the important source of curriculum evaluation?

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include feedback from students, teacher observations, assessment data, input from parents, and feedback from administrators. These sources help to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum in meeting its objectives and making necessary improvements.

In assessing the curriculum Are the objectives relevant?

Yes, assessing the curriculum objectives involves evaluating their relevance to the learning outcomes and educational goals. The objectives should align with the overall purpose of the curriculum and provide clear guidance on what students are expected to achieve. Evaluating the relevance of objectives helps ensure that the curriculum is focused, effective, and meaningful for students.

What are the important sources of curriculum evaluations discuss the importance of curriculum evaluation?

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include students, teachers, educational experts, subject experts, curriculum experts, policy making community, dropout sample, employers and entrepreneurs.

What is an objectives based on curriculum?

Objectives based on curriculum are specific goals or desired outcomes that guide the design and implementation of a curriculum. They provide a clear focus for what students should learn and be able to do at the end of a course or program. By aligning objectives with the content and assessments, educators can ensure that teaching and learning activities are purposeful and effective.

What are the sources of educational objectives?

Sources of educational objectives include curriculum standards set by educational institutions or governing bodies, input from teachers and educators, research on best practices in education, and feedback from students and stakeholders. Educational objectives can also be influenced by societal needs, advancements in technology, and the goals and values of the educational institution.

Related questions

What is intended curriculum?

It refers to a set of objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan. It establishes the goal, the specific purposes and the immediate objectives to be accomplished. The intended curriculum answers what the curriculum maker wants to do. There are certain indicators to measure intended curriculum. Among the indicators are stated questions which can be answered. Examples of the questions are the following:Are the objectives achievable within the learners' development levels?Can the objectives be accomplished within the time frame?Are the resources adequate to accomplish the objectives?Are the objectives specific and clear?Are there ways of measuring the outcomes of the objectives?Are the objectives observable?Are the objectives doable?Are the objectives relevant?Overall, are the objectives SMART?I leanred this information from my curriculum development class. Thank you and God bless you so much.

Who started the formulation of objectives in curriculum?

John Cena

What are the dimensions of curriculum development?

Dimensions of curriculum development includes planning units for each curriculum. Lessons for each unit are based on goals and objectives.

Why should you use the objectives and taba models of curriculum design in the process of producing the school curriculum?

Be cause the models of curriculum help to know the types of curriculum based on the level of learners to whom the curriculum is developed for.

What are the important sources of curriculum evaluations discuss the importance of curriculum evaluation?

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include students, teachers, educational experts, subject experts, curriculum experts, policy making community, dropout sample, employers and entrepreneurs.

Definition of training effectiveness?

The student achieves the learning objectives of the curriculum.

What is planned curriculum?

Planned curriculum is that type of curriculum which refers to the planned programs of objectives contents, instructions and assessments offord by a schools. it is related to Formal curriculum. Muhammad Adnan (M.A Education) University of Malakand Dir Lower Pakistan

What are the important sources of curriculum?

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include students, teachers, educational experts, subject experts, curriculum experts, policy making community, dropout sample, employers and entrepreneurs.

What are the objectives of basic education curriculum?

Basic education improve the knowledge of the student

What are important sources of curriculum evaluation?

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include students, teachers, educational experts, subject experts, curriculum experts, policy making community, dropout sample, employers and entrepreneurs.

Do you have a diversity inventory for college curriculum?

You can create an inventory that measures diversity with your college curriculum. Whether you have one or not depends on the strategic objectives of the university.

What are the dimensions of development?

Dimensions of curriculum development includes planning units for each curriculum. Lessons for each unit are based on goals and objectives.