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Q: What are the special features of palisade cells?
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How are palisade cells specialized?

palisade cells are special for photosynthesis. photosynthesis needs a green chemical called chloroplasts. without chloroplasts the palisade cells would never be able to get sunlight and live.

what are palisade cells?

Palisade cells are plant cells located on the leaves

Where are the palisade mesophyll cells located?

The palisade mesophyll organ belongs to the leaf organ.

What is a palisade cell designed for?

Palisade is designed for plant cells

Where are oils and fats stored in a palisade cell?

Palisade cells are present in the leaves of many plants. In palisade cells, oils and fats are stored in the cell membrane.

What is the column like cells that lie under the epidemis?

Palisade cells are the column like cells that lie just under the epidermis. Palisade layer is one layer of the mesophyll.

Why is the palisade cell special?

So that the leaf can make the most of the sunlight and create the most energy. Carbon dioxide can also diffuse into the cells very easily.

What is a green disc found in palisade cells?

The green disc found in palisade cells are called Chloroplasts.

What form of energy does a palisade cell absorb?

palisade cells chlorophyll which is used in the process of photosynthesis which means the palisade cell will absorb sunlight and possibly water

What cells form palisade tissue?

The cells that form palisade tissue are the two upper layers of mesophyll cells, the cells that contain many chloroplasts to maximise photosynthesis.

What substances are produced in palisade cells but not xylem cells?


What type of cells are compacted Palisade or Spongy - EXPLAIN?

Palisade Packing palisade cells tightly together means that the maximum amount of light can be intercepted. If there are big gaps between the cells then more of the light hitting the leaf will just pass straight through. Tightly packed palisade cells is one way in which leaves are adapted for photosynthesis.