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Q: What are the specialized sensory receptors found you in the cochlea?
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Where are specialized hearing receptors found?

In the cochlea

What is the medical term meaning auditory receptor located in the cochlea of the inner ear?

The hair cells are the auditory receptors located in the cochlea. These receptors are found in the organ of Corti.

What type of receptors is found in our skin?

there is poo under the skin

What is the sensory receptors for smell?

The olfactory receptor is found in the nose.

Which layer of the skin is compose of thousands of sensory receptors?

The layer of the skin that contains sensory receptors is the epidermis. There have been reports of the dermis also containing sensory receptors.

What is A phenomenon found in sensory perception in which the receptors gradually stop responding to continuous stimulation?

Sensory adaptation

What are cutaneous glands?

similar to sensory receptors in the body, they recognize a change in stimulus

Which sensory rceptor is found in the greatest number in the skin?

pain receptors

Where sensory receptors are found that are sensitive to Chemicals?

taste buds and nose

Receptors for hearing are located in the?

the grasshoppers ears are located next to their eyes

How many types of sensory receptors are found on the human head?

All 5.

Where are the sensory receptors of the semicircular canals located?

Both of these are in the ear. The semi-circular canals help you to balance and the cochlea transmits nerve signals to the brain. This is how you hear. The inner ear is subdivided into the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. The semicircular canals and cochlea are separate structures with different functions. The receptors for balance are in the semicircular canals, and the organ of Corti (the organ of hearing) is in the cochlea.