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There are several Jewish prayers that respond to death. There is the memorial prayer, "El Malei Rachamim" (God, full of mercy) that is said in the specific form for the decased individual at funerals and said collectively for all of the deceased at Yizkor services on Yom Kippur and the pilgrimage festivals. There is also the mourner's Kaddish, said by the immediate mourners starting at the funeral and continuing for 11 months, and then at Yizkor services thereafter. Also, before a person dies, if the person is able, the person should say the "Vidui," a prayer of confession, followed by the "Shema." When a Jew hears that someone has died, the traditional blessing is "Dayan Emet," praising God as the true judge.

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Q: What are the specific prayers and blessings for the Jewish mourning?
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Go to this website: site will tell you the prayers in Hebrew and English - plus they are recited verbally.Answer:Al Hanisim, Hallel, and the blessings over the menorah.

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