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(Just so you know, I am a girl.) 1: The sperm and the egg unite. 2: The fertilized cell travels into the uterus (womb). 3: The cells double over and over. The unborn baby is called a fetus. 4: While the baby grows, the woman's abdomen expands, and her other organs can get very squashed. 5: Once the baby is fully grown, her uterus starts contracting, pushing the baby. This process is called labor. 6: The woman should be at the hospital at this point. Once completely stripped of clothing, she is laid on a table. Her vagina has opened up and the baby is coming out. If the baby comes out headfirst, it's normal. However, if the baby's feet are coming out, it is called a breach-baby, and could be fatal to the mother and/or the baby. That's the end when the baby is out, but most mothers say it is worth the pain to hold that baby in there arms. And then, you could always do it again.

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Q: What are the stages of human development that occur before birth?
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What are the Stages of human development after birth?

Before birth the baby starts out as an egg and then once its ovulated. after the first 8 weeks of development it becomes an embryo and then a fetus and once its born it becomes a infant

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The different stages of human development are -{1} Infant {2} child hood {3} young {4} old age.

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The term for the nine months of human development between fertilization and birth is called the gestation period.

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1. xygote 2. gamete 3. embryo 4. fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus or fætus) 5. infant...