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Q: What are the stages of the life span of AN organisms?
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The life span of a date tree usually is split into two developmental stages: vegetative & generative. The average life span of these two stages together is 10 to 15 years on average.

Leech life stages and span?

And the average lifespan is at least a year.

What is an organism's life span?

If you are asking what a life span is, it is how long something lives.If you are asking what an organisms lifespan is, then it would just depend on the organism.

What terms include all the different stages in animal life?


What is the five stages in life span of an organism?

beginning growth and development maturity decline death

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What organisms have the shorter life spans than humans?

The vast majority of organisms have a shorter life span than humans, everything from bacteria to insects to hummingbirds to dogs. Only a few have longer life spans.

What are the 9 stages of human life span?

Newborn, Infant, Toddler, Preschooler, Adolecent, young Adult, Adult and old age

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Compare short and long life history patterns?

Rapid life history organisms have small body size, mature rapidly, reproduce early, and have short life span. Short life history organisms reproduce and mature slowly, and are long lived.

What is the difference of a life cycle and a life span?

A life cycle refers to the series of developmental stages an organism goes through from birth to reproduction to death. A life span, on the other hand, refers to the total length of time an organism is alive from birth to death.

These have a lifespan of 120 days?

We need more information to answer your question fully, however a red blood cell does have a life span around 100-120 days. But there are millions of organisms that might also have a 120 day life span.