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Echidnas are protected by law. This means that, as native animals, they may not be hunted or killed.

Echidnas in Australia are, fortunately, not even close to becoming extinct. These echidnas are highly adaptable to a variety of conditions, so they are one of the Australian native animals which has been least affected by European settlement and the associated problems of habitat loss.

The echidna is currently listed as "common" throughout Australia and its conservation status is not listed as endangered. It is a remarkably adaptable creature which can live wherever there are termites or ants. The echidna is less affected by habitat loss than many other species, as it does not need a specialised environment, just a good supply of ants and termites. There are areas of Australia where echidnas were once common, but have not been sighted in years. The biggest threats are dogs and cars. However, the echidna still enjoys a healthy population in many less urbanised areas. Some semi-rural housing developments have strict laws concerning the keeping of domestic pets, so as to minimise the impact on native wildlife.

The long-beaked echidna in New Guinea is another matter. Habitat loss is the main reason why some sub-species of the long-beaked echidna are endangered. Where human settlement has expanded, the animals' natural environment has been reduced. They are still found in remote, unsettled areas . Also, many people on the island of New Guinea still live a traditional lifestyle, and the long-beaked echidna is regarded as a delicacy, still legally hunted by the native people of the island. Commercial hunting of the species has been banned by the Indonesian and Papua New Guinean governments. Education is required, to help these people understand the importance of preserving such unique species.

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