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1) KNOW YOUR STATUS!!! Get tested

2) If you choose to have sex, then use a condom and dental dams ALL THE TIME

3) Do not share syringes, needles, etc. for illegal drugs or insulin

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The best way is to have one partner only, and to be loyal to that one only.

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Q: What are the steps to take not to contract AIDS HIV?
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Is anything being done about AIDS?

There have been advances in medicine that are effective for HIV/AIDS. Education about HIV/AIDS teaches people about it and steps to take in order to protect yourself from getting it.

What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?

The difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can be a carrier of the HIV virus and not contract the disease but you can infect others.

Can you contract aids from a feather?

No, feathers do not carry the HIV virus.

Could a14 year gay child get aids?

There is a possibility for gay 14 year old children to contract HIV/AIDS, ONLY if he/she has been engaging in sexual activities with another person with HIV/AIDS. There is also an equal likelihood for a straight person to contract AIDS - it is not your sexuality that determines whether you are prone to diseases or not!

Can o blood type contract the aids virus?

Yes. No blood type is immune from the HIV virus.

How did Mary fisher contract aids?

Mary Fisher contracted HIV/AIDS through her second husband, Brian Campbell.

How do people get AIDS?

By having sexual intercourse without protection. People can get AIDS by sexual intercourse or even open wound to open wound with a person who has AIDS. That being one of the reasons why doctors do not reuse needles and wear gloves. Other reasons are for their own safety and the patients safety. Blood is normally tested when donating or receiving blood but you can contract AIDS from the transfer of blood. AIDS is also the progressed stage of HIV. Not everyone that has HIV progresses to AIDS though (being the reason for the term "HIV/AIDS"). So it is possible to contract HIV then it to progress to AIDS.

Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

How could you know if you contract AIDS?

The only way to know if you have HIV is a blood test.

If a man has two wives did he get aids?

Having two wives does not cause a man to have HIV or AIDS. You contract HIV (the precursor to AIDS) by having sex with or sharing blood (through needles, etc) with a person who is already infected.If the man's wives do not have HIV, he won't get it from them, but he could stille contract it by having sex or sharing blood with someone else.

What does Magic Johnson have to do with AIDS?

Magic Johnson announced in 1991 that he was HIV-positive. How he's survived 18 years with HIV is a mystery to basically everyone. I seriously wonder if he was misdiagnosed, because most people who contract HIV die of AIDS within 2 years or so, tops.

What type of pills do people with HIV have to take?

it called ARV you take it everyday