

What are the stereotypes and perceptions of England?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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there are rather a few unfortunately:

-one is that we all have crooked teeth or just bad dental hygiene in general, which is not true

-people think most of the men here are either chimney sweeping cockneys, adorable stumbling posh hugh grant replicas or 80's skinhead thugs

-for some reason a lot of people think our women are ugly, but anyone who's set their eyes on an English Rose knows otherwise

-we drink a lot of tea (which is true)

-we all live like they do in downturn abbey (which is not true and more often than not couldn't be further from the truth)

-we all know the queen and are extremely passionate royalists who's only other passion in life is politics

-we all have a 'british' accent? there are accents within britain, but not one british accent. There's not even one English accent: there are many, and only one of them sounds like harry bloody potter.

-we have an exclusively 'british sense of humour', although we do like silly laughs like Monty Python and The Comic Strip, we also appreciate humour from around the world, like there are many fans of the american version of our office.

-we all find it rather dashing to speak like we're from the last century... this is not true but you will find the odd 'bloody hell' and perhaps a 'cheerio' if you go to the right parts of the country

-a lot of people think we inhabit a sort of Churchill like love for our country and our politicians, but the truth is a lot of people realise that England's 'glory days' are over, it's just the loud and 'important' people who don't

I think there are probably more, but I can't think of them on the spot right now, I hope this is enough.

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