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Q: What are the structures within the muscle fiber that shorten to cause skeletal muscle fiber contraction?
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A contraction in which a skeletal muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called isometric?

An isometric contraction is the name given to a skeletal muscle that does not shorten, but increases tension. The muscles generate force to protect themselves.

What is a contraction in which the muscle shorten and work is done?

This is muscle flexion or isotonic contraction.

What type of muscle is capable of rapid contraction and causes skeletal movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscle is capable of rapid contraction and is responsible for skeletal movement.

What type of contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten are called?

If the muscle can not shorten because the muscle is trying to move a load that is greater than the force, then the contraction is isometric.

In a concentration contraction the muscles shorten to produce movement?


Does stretch have any effect on skeletal muscle contraction?

yes skeletal muscle stretch by means of contraction.

The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is?

stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

what's an isometric contraction?

An isometric contraction is when the muscle does not shorten and no movement results.

What factors affect muscle contraction?

the degree of muscle stretch is affect the strength or force of skeletal muscle contraction

What type of muscle contraction will shorten a muscle and decrease the angle between two bones?

Concentric isometric contraction

In the skeletal muscle what is a Z-disk or Z line?

Z-disks or Z-lines are the points of contraction for contractile proteins. They provide structural support for the transmission of force when the muscle fibers are activated to shorten.

What are the other names for voluntary muslces?

another name for voluntary muscles are skeletal or striated muscles.