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I don't know about sub classes but there are basically two types of phrasal verbs those which have literal meanings and those that have non literal meaning ie idiomatic

For example:

literal - I picked up the ball from the floor.

non literal (idiomatic) - I picked up Spanish when I lived in Madrid.

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Q: What are the subclasses of phrasal verbs?
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Students who effectively use phrasal verbs demonstrate a strong command of informal and colloquial language, which can enhance their communication skills. This proficiency can help students sound more natural and fluent in their speech and writing. However, over-reliance on phrasal verbs may sometimes lead to ambiguity or lack of clarity in their message.

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Verbs like approve of confess to decide, are verbs used without objects.

Is up an action verb?

No. Up is a preposition.But up can be used with a verb to form a phrasal verb for example: look up, get up, break up. These verbs are action verbs.In phrasal verbs both words act as one.

What can you do to get A in English examination?

Use vocabs, idioms and phrasal verbs. In basic, master in grammar.

Is walk past an adverb?

I believe that in English, these pairing of words is known as a "phrasal verbs."

Is to have dinner a phrasal noun?

No. This term 'phrasal noun is not used in English grammar. The term phrasal verb is correct but there are no phrasal verbs in 'to have dinner'. The term noun phrase is correct. A noun phrase is a noun-a person, place, or thing-and the modifiers which go with it. eg 'the neighbours cat'.