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Landscaping refers to any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including but not limited to:

# living elementsOrganism

In Biology and ecology, an organism is a life complex system of organ s that influence each other in such a way that they role in some way as a stable whole....

, such as floraFlora

In botany, flora has two meanings. The first meaning, or flora of an area or time period, refers to all plant life occurring in an area or time period, especially the naturally occurring or indigenous plant life....

or faunaFauna

Fauna is a collective term for animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is Flora....

; or what is commonly referred to as GardeningGardening

Gardening is the art of growing plants with the goal of crafting a purposeful landscape. Residential garden most often takes place in or about a residence, in a space referred to as the garden....

, the art and craft of growing plants with a goal of creating a beautiful environment within the landscape. # natural elements such as landforms, terrain shape and elevation, or bodies of water; # human elements such as structures, buildings, fenceFence

A fence is a freestanding structure designed to restrict or prevent Transport across a boundary....

s or other material objectsObject (philosophy)

In philosophy, an object is a thing, an entity, or a being. This may be taken in several senses....

created and/or installed by humans; and # abstract elements such as the weatherWeather

Weather is an all-encompassing term used to describe all of the many and varied phenomena that can occur in the Celestial body atmosphere of a planet....

and lighting conditions.

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Is landscaping a branch of agriculture?

Landscape design is not a subset of agriculture. Landscaping is the design of outdoor places such as gardens and yards, whereas agriculture is the science, art, and practice of raising plants and livestock. While landscaping is not part of the agricultural business, there are several circumstances when landscaping companies may be considered agriculture, particularly when it comes to soil and water quality and nurseries.

What is the difference between a subset and a proper subset?

the difference between a subset and a proper subset

What are the ASCII codes for subset and proper subset?

Since ASCII ⊊ unicode, I don't know if there are ASCII codes for subset and proper subset. There are Unicode characters for subset and proper subset though: Subset: ⊂, ⊂, ⊂ Subset (or equal): ⊆, ⊆, ⊆ Proper subset: ⊊, ⊊,

What is the study of landscaping?

The study of Landscaping, is just Landscaping and is treated as an Horticultural subject

Why can a proper subset be a subset of itself?

Because every set is a subset of itself. A proper subset cannot, however, be a proper subset of itself.

What is a subsets?

A is a subset of a set B if every element of A is also an element of B.

Give an example of a subset and proper subset?

give example of subset

Difference between subset and proper subset?

A subset of a set S can be S itself. A proper subset cannot.

What the meaning of subset?

A subset is a division of a set in which all members of the subset are members of the set. Examples: Men is a subset of the set people. Prime numbers is a subset of numbers.

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Integers are a subset of rational numbers which are a subset of real numbers which are a subset of complex numbers ...

Which is best landscaping software?

The best landscaping software would depend on what features are required for your landscaping needs. For landscaping alone one could try Real Landscaping Plus. Another option is Landscaping Deck and Patio for those that have more features to their yard.

What is a universal subset?

The universal subset is the empty set. It is a subset of all sets.