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Well, sometimes it could be gingavitious, or other diseases!!!

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Q: What are the swollen glands underneath your cats jaw?
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How does the body respond to the mumps?

Painful and swollen glands in the cheeks, neck or under the jaw -- Fever -- Headache -- Abdominal pain -- Loss of appetite

What is the main cause of jaw pain?

Jaw pain could be a symptom of TMJ, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sinus infections, teeth grinding, swollen glands, or dental problems.

Compare the locations of the major salivary glands of the human with those of the cat?

The human salivary glands are in front of the ear, above the opening of your throat, and behind and a little under the jaw. They are the same places in cats, excepts cats have an extra one that is under and a little past the eye.

What is pain in eye ear nose sinuses jaw and swollen glands in neck?

There are so many things it could be: dengue, malaria, flu, allergy, the bends, and so on. You should visit a doctor.

What makes your ear red and swollen with no inner ear infections?

Infected ear piercing, Food allergies, Drug allergies, Poison Oak, Poision Ivy, Possibilities of infection in your glands under your jaw

What is the scientific name for the mumps?

Epidemic parotitis because it affects the parotid glands and is contagious and caused epidemics in history.The scientific name for mumps is Epidemic parotitis. The virus can cause pain, fever and swelling in the salivary glands.

What is under the tongue and behind the jaw?

hyoid boneSalivary Glands!

What are the glands in the jaw area that included in the digestive system?


Your jaw is swollen from a fall how long will it take to recover?

2 weeks

How do you treat a swollen jaw caused in boxing?

put ice on it and the put some hot rice in a sock heat it and then put it on your jaw

Swelling around glands and pain jaw line?

Glands that are swollen and painful typically signify an infection of some kind. Glands can also become swollen due to excess caffeine consumption. Either way, it is best to have a doctor evaluate the symptoms to find out the correct diagnosis.

How do you get to rid of swollen jaw even though you went to the doctor about it?

ice go to a dentist if it wasn't just a bump that healed with ice. If the joint is the part that is swollen, have your dentist check for evidence of jaw clenching or teeth grinding.