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There are many symbols used in flowcharting. A flowchart is basically a diagram that shows the steps of a process (or algorithm), connected with arrows to help in showing the order of the steps.

First, think in terms of a list of the "types" of symbols. One such type is "arrows". "Arrows" would have many different symbols associated with it.

  • Start and end symbols
  • Arrows
  • Generic processing steps
  • Subroutines
  • Input/Output
  • Prepare conditional
  • Conditional or decision
  • Junction symbol
  • Labeled connectors
  • Concurrency symbol

This list is certainly not all-inclusive, as there are many types of flowcharts, each with its own special application. The list above is from "older basic computer science textbooks," so it has many types of symbols related to computer processes.

So we conclude that there really is no such thing as a single list of symbols. But don't give up!

The most commonly used symbols are:

  • START/END Usually a circle, or an elongated circle, or an oval. It indicates the starting point or ending point of a set of processes and decisions.
  • RECTANGLE Used to show where there is an action to be done (or an instruction to be followed).
  • DIAMONDS Used to show there there is a decision to be made.
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Are Ovals used as terminal symbols marking the starting and end of the pseudocode?

No that would be a flowchart.

Where can one find explanations for common flowchart symbols?

Flowchart symbols are important, but can be confusing. One might use BreezeTree as a way to determine the correct meanings and explanations of these symbols.

When and what are the symbols used in the flowchart for the program for the calculation of average numbers in C language?

Look up "Flowchart" in wikepedia, most of what you need to know can be found there. Get a flow chart symbol template and a sheet of paper and you are on your way.

What do the symbols mean on the flowchart?

all symbol of flow chart

How do you do calculation on programming flowcharts?

You just have to know the symbols of flowchart and make the graphical representation of algorithm

What is flowchart and explain its symbols?

it is diagram which illustrate the flow of goods ,information ,people and transport at a given time and place

Give a sample problem with the use of algorithm and flowchart symbols?

design a flowchart that will input three numbers and get their sum. If the sum is greater than 20, then print "sum>20",else print the sum.

What are the different symbols used in a program flow chart?

The most widely used symbols are:1. Start and end2. Arrows3. Processing steps3. Conditional Other symbols are:4. document symbol5. Manual Operation6. Data file

Which is difficult to design flowchart or algorithem?

Algorithm is more difficult to create than flow charts. An Algorithm is just a full sequence of simple steps that are needed to solve a problem. A Flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. We can crate flow chart with the help of symbols. Of the many Symbols accessible, the 6 Basic Symbols will be used most: 1. Start/Stop 2. Question, Decision (Use in Branching) 3. Input/output 4. Connector 5. Process, Instruction 6. Comments, Explanations, Definitions.

Difference between macor flowchart and micro flowchart?

1. Macro flowchart shows less information whereas micro flowchart shows more information. 2. Macro flowchart is easy to design as comparative to micro flowchart. 3. Macro flowchart is difficult to study and understand as comparative to micro flowchart.

How do you draw flowchart for overloaded functions?

You don't. A flowchart is one form of a visualization for an algorithm. Overloaded functions are one of many tools used to implement such an algorithm. The algorithm (and, therefore, the flowchart) isn't concerned with the tool needed for the implementation.