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lack of exercise.

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Q: What are the symptoms of a hard breathing?
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What are some symptoms of a respritory infection?

Some symptoms r breathing hard and wheezing Plus hard couging.

What are the symptoms of breathing natural gas?

There are no symptoms.

What are the signs or symptoms of lung cancer?

signs and symptoms of lung cancer are breathing hard and coughing up blood, not being able to finish sentences, short of breath all the time and weak in general.

You have breathing problem do you need to get a H1N1 test done?

Unless you've had fluelike symptoms, no. But if you have a hard time breath you should always go to a doctor.

What are the symptoms of Marcy Disease?

Difficulty in breathing.

What are symptoms for Bronchitis?

The symptoms include coughing, phlegm, difficult breathing etc. You might have to use an inhaler if you have trouble breathing. This can occur anytime of the year.

What are the symptoms of CPR?

Symptoms of those requiring CPR are no breathing, no pulse, no signs of life.

What are the symptoms for chalkdust allergy?

It affects your vision, breathing and skin reaction, and asthma symptoms.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of pleural thickening?

The initial symptoms of pleural thickening are hard to detect, but sufferers often experience difficulty breathing and a slight pain or tightness in the chest after physical exertion. Symptoms may take many years to develop and can vary from individual to individual.

Your mom had lung cancer that spread to the brain and went into hospice and died did they kill her with the morphine and drugs they gave her and what was the gurgling and hard breathing from?

The gurgling is from secretions and the hard breathing is typical end of life symptoms. Your mom did not die from the morphine and other drugs that were given to her by the hospice staff or primary care giver.

What are the symptoms of a breathing problem in a Boxer?

when the boxer is laying on its back, with four legs up in the air, and not breathing, you know it has a breathing problem.

Is heavy breathing a symptom for a sick bird?

Sometimes yes but sometimes no. You see, if a bird is heavily breathing, it could just be yawning. But if it's breathing heavily on a daily basis or for several hours, it would be most likely have a hard time breathing, or just sick. If these symptoms occur, contact or bring your bird to an avian vet immediately.