

Best Answer

i will do you harder than the devil and suck you so much that if you're turn white, and if you're already white, you'll turn clear


asslam o alkum

now i am going to tell you the symptoms of black magic.

if you have any of these symptons then you are also suffering from black magic.

1) if some one sees motion or urine in his dream or see himself in bathroom or with the motion attached to his body, see himself/herself in unhygenic condition.

2) headache.

3) the whole body is in pain.

4) the one wishes or wants to have sex.

5) back-ache or has pain in kidneys

6) smelly fats.

7) feels like the body is on fire.

8) the whole body remains hot and so does the mouth.

9) eyes remain red and feels irritation in eyes.

10) you feel to go to the bathroom after a little while for urine and motion.

11) fast heat beats.

12) diffuculty in breathing and have chest pain.

13) become irritant.

14) face complexion changes and becomes darker day by day. the more worse the magic is the more your complexion will become darker.

15) feel pain in stomach and you will be having diarrhea like stiuation.

16) pimples appear on the face.

17) face becomes terrible no attraction left in the face.

18) feeling anxiety.

19) becomes impatient.

20) you have all the happiness in life but still you don't feel happy.

21) what ever you eat you feel hungry again in about an hour and a half.

22) you don't wish to offer prayer and day by day you go away from religion.

23) alwayz you have throat problem and the voice qulaity is also affected.

24) get scared in dreams. sometimes sees snakes, Spiders, lizards, and cockroches in dream.

25) you have fear in your heart.

26) feels like some one injecting pins in body.

27) get pain in stomach and feel nausia.

28) become lazy. and sleep for longer durations.

29) you forget where you put things and spend rest of the day in finding. in money transactions give more money.

30) starts hating your self.

31 - seeing blue or pink dots or seeing funny lines

32 - feeling tired without any reason

33 - by reading or hearing the quran do you get pain in your body

34 - feeling sick and hot

35 - always having a erection


37 - hands and feet turn swollen

38 - spots on the head

39 - strong smell in your urine

40 - when you cook a lot does a bad smell come

41 - body feels cold

42 - pain in the feet

43 - seeing dogs and dead people as well as ants in your dream

44 - going skinny day by day

45 - taking medicine which works at the beginning then starts giving you more problems

46 - seeing a women and man having sex meaning a wet dream

47 - body head and shoulders feeling heavy

48 - getting marks on your body

49 - body feels weak for no reason

50 - feeling dizzy and blacked out

51 - getting red spots on the body

52 - on hearing the azan you run away and you hate the azan

different types of magic has different symptions. but the one i wrote before are also present. now this is upon the magician what sort of pain he wants to give to the vicitim. for example if magician wants to make some girl disrespectful in society and wants to make her parents ashamed in society. then he will do that kind of magic that increses her sex apeal and then starts controlling her mind with his magic. he will do such magic that makes her heart willing to do sex. he will make her body hot so that she becomes hot. he will do such magic that makes her stop thinking then do this that she will be away from offering prayers and quran because offering prayers and reciting quran breaks magic.

this is the magic of sex this is mainly done coz of jealousy, in this kind of situation the girls mind stops working the only thought she has in mind is having sex and she doesn't know what is happening with her she alwayz thinks about this and atlast she does this with someone. this is the magic of sex.

many people said this quran cant break magic and they think only another reverse magic can stop it. if someones magic is not breaking then there must be a reason behind this and that is also not compulsulory that every kind of magic can break only by reciting 4 qul. doctors don't use same/one medicines to cure different diseses same is in this case we need to find the symptons and then find out what kind of magic has been cast on the victim. different surahs are used to cut different magics each surah has its own uses 4 qul not alwayz cut each type of magic.

remember me in your prayer

amel soname

if you want more information go to my website just type in Google search this keyword (black magic remove with quran ) you will see my site

  • Blocked income
  • Destroying someone's career
  • Bad luck
  • Bad dreams
  • Breaking a relationship or someone's marriage
  • Controlling someone's mind for sex
  • Causing accidents
  • Making people sick
  • Anger & emotional imbalance
  • Fear & Depression
  • Not allowing the victim to sleep
  • Making the victim commit suicide
  • Blocking a woman's monthly periods
  • Paranormal activity is experienced by the victims of black magic, this is done to terrorize weak minded humans
  • Kill people by giving them a heart attack, kidney failure and activating cancer in the victims body
  • Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, substance abuse, violence and unhealthy sex
  • Rape of women in dreams by the spirits
  • Blocking a woman's ability to conceive
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How can you save yourself from the symptoms of black magic?

Simply do not believe in it. It is difficult to understand how in a modern world, driven by science and technology, that anyone can still believe in occult magic. Magic, as in spells and curses, potions and wands, is fantasy; it is not real. The "affects" or "symptoms" that some might feel who believe they are victims of black magic, typically experience such as a matter of psychosomatic manifestation. If there is no belief, there is no affect. Combat ignorance with knowledge and understanding. Become educated.

Is black magic good?

Black magic is not considered good. Black magic is a loose term for magic that is selfish and that will purposely hurt others.

When did black magic start?

black magic started when it started :)

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A Black magic on moshi monsters is a black magic bean flower; so if you buy a magic bean flower and it growns into the colour black.

Is magic for the devil?

no it is not but the black magic is.

What is dangerous magic?

Black Magic.

How was black magic used in the 1600s?

Black magic wasn't used.

Black magic is performed by whom?

Black magic is performed by people mainly known as witches, black magicians or wizards. The actual people who perform black magic mainly do it for business, financial and power reasons. Most commonly people who are jealous or seeking revenge go to these black magicians to destroy or control other people's lives for personal gain. All magic except Illusion magic is black magic. This includes white magic, black magic, voodoo, hoodoo, hexes and curses to name a few.

When was Black Magic - Magic Sam album - created?

Black Magic - Magic Sam album - was created on 1968-10-23.

Is every thing possible through the black magic?

No black magic is negative and have some bad future effects and people who use black magic most of the time use it for there personal gain in a negative way.But black magic can give you similar things that white magic can give you but with black magic the karma is much higher then white magic karma.

Can black magic be done in prison?

Black magic can be done anytime and anywhere.

Do astara religion practice black magic?

No, Astara does not practice black magic