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Hepatitis D is a disease with many different types of symptoms. Some of these symptoms include abdominal pain, dark-colored urine, joint pain, jaundice, and nausea.

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Q: What are the symptoms of disease Hepatitis D?
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When hepatitis virus has no vaccine to prevent the disease?

Hepatitis C and hepatitis E have no vaccine to prevent the disease. Although there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis D, you can only get this type if you're also infected with type B. Therefore, hepatitis B vaccine indirectly prevents hepatitis D.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis or gallbladder disease?

abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice,fatigue, anorexia

How long can a person live with hepatitis d and lupus?

hepatitis d life is according hepatitis b it viral infection,and lupus is autoimmune skin disease 55 to 60 year pass away

What are the symptoms of communicable disease?

Cold & Cough Pneumonia Malaria Dengue Fever Hepatitis B Aids/HIV

Can you get SSI for having hepatitis c?

If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis C and chronic liver disease, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits under the official listing for liver disease. If not, you may be able to show that the symptoms of hepatitis C reduce your capacity to work.

What's Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a disease that cause damage to the liver, formally known as infectious hepatitis. It can be transmitted through fecal-oral route. Millions are infected each year by Hepatitis A. Some symptoms are fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and appetite loss.

What does unspecified chronic hepatitis mean?

Chronic Hepatitis develops when an individual contracts the disease for the long-term. Unspecified Chronic Hepatitis means that, an infected person has a Chronic Hepatitis, but the doctors don't know what kind it is, whether it be Hepatitis A, B, C, D ect.

What is the Treatment for hepatitis?

Hepatitis C is a viral disease where the liver is affected. The treatment depends usually on the state of the affected organ and the symptoms of the disease. The treatment usually involves use of anti viral medications and for worst cases, liver transplant may be needed.

Is hepatitis a serious disease?

liver disease

Do you throw up from hep c?

Hepatitis C is a disease that attacks the liver. Yes, you can throw up from hepatitis C and other symptoms may include fatigue, a loss of appetite and weight loss.

How does hepatitis A affect your health?

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. One virus that causes hepatitis is called the hepatitis A virus. hepatitis A virus is carried in the bloodstream to the liver. It can then affect your liver to cause hepatitis. For some people with hepatitis A Shows not symptoms. The Common symptoms of Hepatitis A include flu-like symptoms and yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice) which then gradually clear without treatment.

With what symptoms does hepatitis C present?

Some of the symptoms hepatitis C presents can be fatigue, loss of appetite and muscle aches. These symptoms can range from moderate to severe and may not show up in all victims of hepatitis C.