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Mostly swelling. Their venom isn't lethal, but if the swelling does not go down with an ice pack and/or she's feeling feverish or not well in general, see a doctor.

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Q: What are the symptoms of getting stung by a wolf spider your grandmother just got stung?
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Who needs immediate medical attention if stung by a bee?

Anyone that is allergic to bee venom will need immediate medical attention if they are stung by a bee. People that notice symptoms such as difficulty breathing, large amounts of swelling, nausea, or other such symptoms will need to seek immediate medical attention when they are stung by a bee.

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Birds are able to eat wasps without getting stung because they crush the stinger with their beak. They do this before the wasp has a chance to sting them.

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Redness, itching, burning, stinging sensation, numbness if severe.